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Arduino nano

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:44 pm
by Chris_MIRA
Im trying to load an existing programme from FC8 onto a new batch of arduino nano's. The programme has previously downloaded and worked fine.
The programme compiles fine but will not download to the new batch of nano's, Im getting a "micro not responding" error. Im assuming this is something to do with requiring a new / different or updated USB driver? Ive seen other user messages that seem to have had the same problem (something to do with needing to change the download board rate) but I don't know where to get the new driver / fix or how / where to put it in flowgode 8 to make the fix work. Please help :-)


Re: Arduino nano

Posted: Wed Sep 25, 2019 1:55 pm
by LeighM
Hi Chris,
Does this help..
and changing the target to "Arduino Nano 328 115200"