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CAN componant macro not working

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 3:44 pm
by Chris_MIRA
Im trying to down load to an arduino mega a program that did work under FC7. The programme will not compile to hex or further download and an error message (attached) is generated. If I delete the CAN macro components, then the programme downloads no problem. I've tried deleting and re-installing the CAN from the current FC8 comms list but the problem is till there. Any help please?


Re: CAN componant macro not working

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2019 5:40 pm
by medelec35
As this post relates to this topic, I am locking topic to avoid confusion & mutiple posts relating to the same issue.
If you have any replies regarding Can component then can you please reply to the above link.