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Stepper not working properly using 12F683 chip.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:28 pm
by astro1234
Trying to get this stepper running using a 12F683, it will run ok in simualtion,
but will not run properly on the breadboard, will run one way but not the other.
Will run ok if i use any 16F--- pic chips.Any one any idea why it will not run using
the 12F683. I need to use this chip because of space on the breadboard, when i have two Voltage regs plus a Bravo T868 and uln2004an chip there is not a lot of room left.
Win 10 pro .
Flowcode v8.1
thanks Roy.

Just tried another 12F683, Still no joy, but just programed a 12F1822, and this now works ok.
Must be the pin set up i am missing in the 12F683.

Re: Stepper not working properly using 12F683 chip.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 3:40 pm
by Benj
Hi Roy,

It might be worth looking at the motor direction control pin (GP1) and seeing if you can drive a logic high and logic low e.g. to a LED.

I can't see any reason in your project as to why the pin wouldn't be behaving correctly.

Maybe a short or open on the breadboard? Have you done conductivity sanity checks?

Re: Stepper not working properly using 12F683 chip.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2019 5:08 pm
by astro1234
Hi benj.
Thanks looking at this, so just re-programed the 12F683 and chip flashed led on the GP1 pin at 100ms and working ok.
Like i said in my first post,it is working ok using 12F1822 ,but not the 12F683.
So i know my circuit is ok.Running a Bravo T868 with key fobber.
Will look again at my circuit with the 12F683.
Regards Roy.