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EEPROM component improvement

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:55 pm
by CamargoF
I would like to proposed an improvement on EEPROM module where the initialization should be done on multiple lines with 3 columns:
  • The first column is optional, for an alias label that could be used later on programming.
  • The second column is the EEPROM address, always considering the first EEPROM address as 0x0000.
  • The third column is the data to be stored in EEPROM, with the same syntax of current initial values.
If it is not possible do be done on short time, at least provide a C code template to allow the EEPROM initialization on program.

Re: EEPROM component improvement

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2018 2:00 pm
by kersing
If it is not possible do be done on short time, at least provide a C code template to allow the EEPROM initialization on program
Initialisation is already available in the "Initial values" property. You can enter values starting at the first eeprom byte. Check the bottom of this manual page for syntax.