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moving the chart icons in the main window

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2018 9:01 pm
by crispin12
Just installed v8.1 and got everything setup but for the life of me I can't work out how to move the chart icon toolbar from the horizontal position back to the vertical left side of screen which is how it was in v6 and v7? I'm referring to the toolbar holding the delay, input, output, loop, macro etc. icons.
I've tried clicking and dragging on it but nothing happens? Anyone ?

Re: moving the chart icons in the main window

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 10:38 am
by DanielM
Hi crispin12,

What resolution display are you using?

Recently, we made the decision to bind the toolbar to the programming views, as we found that many beginners to Flowcode were struggling to understand which parts of the UI worked together. At the moment, the toolbar cannot be moved manually. (though this is something we are considering adding back in the future: especially if users such as yourself really want that functionality). This was again an attempt to try to streamline the interface and prevent too many disparate elements from overwhelming the user.

The way it works at the moment: if Flowcode detects that the monitor it has loaded on is too low resolution to display the toolbar vertically, it will display it horizontally in an attempt to make sure that the full toolbar is visible. This is to prevent icons form being "cut off" so to speak.



Re: moving the chart icons in the main window

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2018 12:55 pm
by crispin12
Ah that explains it. I'm using a small screen laptop at the moment. It's really no big deal. Its just on my Flowcode 7 installation on that laptop the icons are vertical on the left side of screen so I was thinking the Flowcode 8 would appear the same? I haven't changed the screen resolution.