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Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2018 8:14 pm
by jgu1
First I have absolutely no experience with these.

I have just orderd a couble of these ESP8266 module. I have downloaded all the example from WIKI. I would like to play with the server and client example.

Is it possible to control an output on the server by activating an input on the client, and maybe send an ack back to the client from server. And or send a command from one client to an another client via the server.
Actually use the module as an internal remotecontrol, please. Ihave no idea how to send the command and receive the command.

Thanks in advance.

Br Jorgen

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:29 am
by Benj
Hi Jorgen,

Yes all this is possible. It should just be a case of opening a TCP connection and then sending and receiving data like in a standard serial connection.

By parsing the incoming data you can make the server or client do anything required.

This page of the wiki might be helpful. ... ateMachine

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 3:49 pm
by jgu1
Thank you very much Ben. I will read the link you att.

Br. Jorgen.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 5:46 pm
by jgu1

Just received a couple of these and want to play with these and get some experience: ... 2749.l2649

I try to run the testprogram from Wiki, but I canĀ“t find the USB port in the projectoption. Is it not possible to program the ESP8266 via this port, or should I do it on another way, if then how,Please.?

Br Jorgen

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 8:08 pm
by jgu1
Hi again!

I dare to ask again. Have nobody experience how to program these module.On the board is a USB port but cant see it in software. Please!

Best regard Jorgen.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2018 9:31 pm
by mnf
Hi Jorgen,

I'm not sure that you can program the ESP8266 directly from FC yet (it's been requested and hopefully it is coming!) - see viewtopic.php?f=65&t=19305 for example.

The ESP8266 component uses the chip as an add-on to a host MCU. I've been wondering how it would work with the Arduino/ESP8266 combined boards (for example ... rehouse=CN) though I don't have one yet (I've started dropping hints so might be pleasantly 'surprised' come Christmas?)

You can program the NodeMCU type boards from the Arduino IDE (see ... -Arduino-/ for an example how to set this up) - but you should be able to see them as a USB port (under device manager - the board I have here shows as Silicon Labs CP210x USB to UART Bridge (COM4)) You might need to install a driver here - is it showing up as unknown device in device manager?

There are also tools for programming them in MicroPython, LUA (which looks to be the version you have?) The board I have just cycle through a reboot / debug sequence when I connect using putty at 115200 baud. (This could be something I tried installing on it - just had a brief play a while ago and I don't remember what I installed :-( )


Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 3:16 pm
by Benj

I have been working on the ESP32 hardware and though we are fairly close with this it will not be included in the upcoming 8.1 release mainly due to time constraints. Also I am very concerned with programming them. It will work fine for a bit but then it completely falls over and won't program any more, even with a fresh board. You basically have to manually obliterate any reference to the device or the USB driver, reinstall it all, restart Windows a few times and then it might work again... for a bit. Same goes for the Arduino ESP32 offering as far as I can tell as it uses the same programming mechanism. I think it's something to do with the virtual serial hardware or software. Maybe the official USB driver is detecting fake Chinese hardware? I know FTDI went through a period of this type of shenanigans.

See here for a peek of the progress so far.


Currently the plan is for the ESP8266 to remain as an external module to a supported microcontroller device and Flowcode will not be able to target it directly. I have looked at adding this one too but the official toolchain on the Espressif website is for Linux only and I don't have time to dig through all the complex pieces to try and figure out why. Arduino do seem to support this in Windows so it obviously is possible given enough time to figure things out.

If there is a ESP guru out there who wants to play with us to get this up to speed then we would certainly be all ears.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:02 pm
by jgu1
Thank you for the explanation for both of you. I just thought it worked. But ok, it's not that easy. I'm looking forward to if it's going to work, could be nice in FC :) . Thanks.

By the way Martin, I have played with your nice MAX7219 component. Ver.1 working. I am soon finish with a little project Max7219 and a DHT22.

Ass soon I have finish I make a video and share with all here. Have you had time to look more on the component you tried to make some fun: ... 76&t=20329 :wink:

Br Jorgen.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2018 6:17 pm
by Benj
I just thought it worked. But ok, it's not that easy.
The hardware is so nice for the price, I would love for it to be that easy! :D

The ESP8266 used as external modules work really well, the only problem I've had is with subtle firmware updates that break command syntax but this seems to have gotten slightly better as the product has matured.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 5:26 pm
by mnf
Hi Jorgen,

MAX7219 - sorry no further thoughts on why the v1.01 didn't work for you. I tried (and failed) to get some displays similar to the ones you have - I'll try again (unless you fancy lending me the ones you have?)


Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:00 pm
by jgu1
Hi Martin!

No you may not lending, I will send you : ... rk:11:pf:0

And: ... :rk:7:pf:0

and you must of course keep it. Please send me your address Maybe PM or here and I will send one to you next week.

I made a small project with your first component for FC7, imported in FC8 and it work. But I like the fancy thing you added to the new component. It would be nice if it still is possible to rotate, set the brigthnes, print string and number ect. please :wink: :D

Br Jorgen

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Thu Aug 29, 2019 8:42 pm
by headhuntergr
Any ideas when the ESP8266 and ESP32 can be directly programmed?

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Mon Sep 09, 2019 2:47 am
by secs
Hi all.

Being an avid tinkerer I have been playing with Flowcode, a RPI and MQTT and thanks to Benj have it working. The reason being I have a house automation system running and have it doing all sorts of things. FYI I use

Now I used to run my Aquapoinics using an Arduino and Flowcode and was looking at doing it again and also seperate modules for irrigation etc so that if one thing hangs all the rest keep going. The MQTT was a away of feeding the house automation with what the irrigation etc is doing and also feeding weather data and forecasts back to the modules from the house automation. In that process I bought a ESP8266 module complete with GPIO pins etc and palyed with as it can also be put into the house automation

So came here and did a search for ESP8266 and ESP32 to see what popped up. Now I see a couple of threads but you are mentioning web servers etc. So are we talking about the same thing with GPIO pins or are you all using the 8266 as part of a system like a websever connected to a Arduino?

I would be very interested in being able to program the module as I have purchased to access the ADC etc GPIO's etc

I used this as a test ... 2884900824

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 4:05 am
by viktor_au
Hello Secs

Would be great if you open a new topic in 'Programming Tips & Tricks' about your home automation system.
I am a few steps behind you.
If you draw a block-diagram of your home automation system and publish it in a 'Programming Tips & Tricks' branch - this will helm me and others alot.
The main thing (right now) for me is to choose the direction to move into the home automation.
I am at the design stage now.


Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:00 am
by secs
Hi Viktor_au

I would be happy to do that but be warned at the moment there is only a few Flowcode parts but that will increase. I will detail the aquaponics part as it was all flowcode. I am looking into building a few controls/sensors that sort of work as stand alones but feed info back to the house automation and gets info from.

If you kind of want some off toic help feel free to PM me.

Re: ESP8266!

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2019 5:20 am
by viktor_au
secs wrote:...only a few Flowcode parts but that will increase...
Understood Secs.

Right now I am not into the components much but into the protocols and design stage.
