Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

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Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by viktor_au »


After update I couldn't use the Usb Serial component.

If I init the component, the compiling errors are:
error: config.h: No such file or directory
error: lib_mcu/usb/usb_drv.h: No such file or directory
error: usb_specific_request.h: No such file or directory
error: uart_usb_lib.h: No such file or directory

How can I fix the problem?
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Re: Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by Benj »


The Arduino Mega does not have a USB peripheral it instead has a UART to USB external IC. So to access the USB communications you need to use the UART component set to Channel 1.

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Re: Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by viktor_au »

Thank you for your answer Benj

I didn't have any problems using USB Serial with Mega until I made an update.

How can I change the link to AVR Tool chain?


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Re: Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by viktor_au »

Back to normal after

Removed FC8 by using the installation program FlowcodeV8_Installer->Remove.
Removed the compiler folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode
Removed registry record for FC8: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\MatrixTSL\FlowcodeV8
Installed FC8 (2017)
Registered again (manual)
Installed the compiler.
Checked the registry new record ->OK. Exported the registry.
Inserted the Usb Serial component.
Did the initialisation.
Run compiler.
HEX file creation successful!
Checked with Sim7600 (port to com10)
Signal quality ->OK
No problem for Mega working with Usb serial component.
Looks like I will use this 2017 FC8 version for a while and stop updating the program.

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Re: Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by Benj »


The version you are reverting back to is maybe before we added USB support for AVR devices. Hence no compilation error because there is no code being generated?

The Arduino Mega does not have a USB peripheral and so the component at best will do nothing and at worst will cause compilation errors.

The UART component is what you're after.

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Re: Autoclose turned off (UsbSerial init error)

Post by viktor_au »

Thank you Ben

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