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Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:17 pm
by foppa
Hello 8)

Are testing a DS18S20.
Can you have a custom macro in one wire
which is designed for ds1820

Chip is 16F628A

I had to make some changes in macrot so it suited for 16F628A
Is a little unsure if I made the right
It does not work

Re: DS18S20

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 10:53 am
by Benj

Please see the following post for help using the one wire component. ... 767#p12454

The files provided by JCMB are an improved version of my beta one wire component code.

Your custom component properties look fine if you are trying to connect via pin RA1. If you want to use RA0 then change the pin value to 0.

Re: DS18S20

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:49 am
by foppa

I did what you wrote.
followed the link and I changed RA1 to RA0.
I get the CRC ERROR on the display.
google on crc error, but they reply I get does not solve my problem.
Have also tried to change the "delay time of ds18s20"
Without results.
Should I find a ds1820.
The I have now is ds18s20.

connect 4.7 kohm between + and out of ds18S20