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End Of Program Code

Posted: Fri Aug 15, 2008 1:02 am
by Ron

I have been looking at the hex files and have found the same code at the end of each of about 8 programs.

The value is 0011.

Is this an end of program code?

If yes, is there any way for a program to extend past this marker and still have the program run?

I am trying to get a read flash command working in a PC application via RS232 and I want it to stop at the end of the actual program hex code. Right now I have it going to the last valid address.

I am hoping there is a common code in all files that is an end of program code, this way I can simply compare each byte as I read it and compare it to the "end of program code".

Thank you,


Re: End Of Program Code

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:13 am
by Steve
The HEX files themselves have an end-of-file marker - :00000001FF - but this is not transfered into the chip itself.

As far as I know, there is no way of knowing where the end of the actual file is. You could assume that past the end of the program, all memory locations are not programmed (i.e. all 1's - 0x3FFF or 0xFFFF, depending on the chip family). But this may not be correct.