chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben

I plan to build my own board. On this board I use the same chip (Pic32MZ2048EFG100) as on the chipkit wifire.
Some part of the hardware I used in the same way as in the chipkit board. This has the Advantages I can test and write the software on the chipkit before my board gooes to manufacturing.To program it I use the Pickit3 programer on the ICSP pin.

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I have still problem with the IRQ on the chipkit wifire board. In an another post you helped me and told me to change a compieler option from 01 to 0s.
When I changed it, have a message from the compieler what tells me to shop the Pro license.
Do I have some Advantages if I shop it?
C:\C#SOUR~1\CCS_SO~1\Flowcode\Emg_2018\Flowcode_Emg_2018_icsp1_speedtest.c:1:0: warning: Compiler option (Optimize for size) ignored because the free XC32 C compiler does not support this feature. [enabled by default]

But I think it will not solve the Problem from the IRQ. I wrote a small Programm with an IRQ on timer1 and an IRQ on port_a.
Both IRQ make that the program crash. The IRQ on port_a is easy to use....
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On port_a the two switch on the chipkit board are connected. If I use the IRQ on port_a, the program runs until I press one of the button, then program crash.
Do you have a good idea?

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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

Post by Benj »


We have seen this problem here, it seems specific to the PIC32MZ family.

We have reported it to the Microchip forums but so far we have not had a reply that actually helps to solve the problem.

It's something we need to solve ASAP but I'm a bit stuck as to what to do next.

Perhaps you could chip in on the Microchip forum thread and say you are having the same issue, might help to get a solution to the issue.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben

On the end of program is this C code. How I can I change this code?


mainendloop: goto mainendloop;
return 0;
Use :Interrupt
//Handler code for [TMR1]
#ifndef MX_ISR_T1
#define MX_ISR_T1
void __ISR(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, ipl1AUTO) _IntHandlerDrvTmrInstance0(void)
IFS0bits.T1IF = 0;
#warning "This interrupt has previously been enabled, so the macro <irq_timer1> may never get called."

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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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The easiest way is probably to disable the interrupt enable icon and then add the code manually via the supplementary code window in the project options, this way you can directly access the code as required.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben

I suspect I have no way to solve the problem by myself from the IRQ.
If you can not do that from Matrix Team, I guess I have to use a different processor.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben

I wrote a small program.
I configutrated the IRQ Timer1 to 6HZ what means it flash the IRQ after 1/6Hz => 160mSec
If the first delay is 300mSec then only Led_3 will be turned on and then it crash
If the first delay is 100mSec then Led_3 and Led_4 will be turned on and then it crash.
I can also call the irq timer1 macro as a normal macro. It's working.
What I don'd understand is what this line is doing.
void __ISR(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, ipl1AUTO) _IntHandlerDrvTmrInstance0(void)

Digilent shows a info different....
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

Post by Benj »


The Flowcode timer interrupt function seems to match up with method 1.

void __ISR(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, ipl1AUTO) _IntHandlerDrvTmrInstance0(void)

void __ISR(_TIMER_1_VECTOR, ipl2) Timer1Handler(void)

Here is a breakdown of the meaning

void = no return
__ISR = Interrupt service routine special case
_TIMER_1_VECTOR = Interrupt vector to jump to
ipl2 / ipl1AUTO = Priority level
Timer1Handler / _IntHandlerDrvTmrInstance0 = Unique name for function
void = no parameters

You can edit the interrupt declaration by editing the code in the interrupts section of the .FCDX XML chip definition file in a text editor. Make a backup first so you can go back if needed.

From working the problem I have found the interrupt is not the problem, if the code is placed inside the interrupt function then it works as it should. It's when you call a function from the interrupt function that the crash happens. Seems to be a problem specific to the MZ family.

To see what we have tried to solve the problem you can see the report here on the Microchip forum.

I am very willing to get this problem resolved but so far everything I have tried hasn't yielded any results.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben
I appreciate your support.

I found a info in the
MPLAB® XC32 C/C++ Compiler User’s Guide

micromips /MIPS32 ISA has to be correct defined.

In the PIC32MZ2048 pdf is this in CONFIG3 register
These bits are set based on the value of the BOOTISA Configuration bit (DEVCFG0<6>).

How can I see what is in the CONFIG3 the bit16 set ? or how can we toggle it?

Note: Some PIC32 target devices allow the exception/interrupt code to be in
either the MIPS32® or microMIPS™ ISA mode via a device configuration bit
(BOOTISA). On these devices, if your BOOTISA bit is set to microMIPS
mode, add the 'micromips' attribute to your interrupt function. If your
BOOTISA bit is set to MIPS32 mode, add the 'nomicromips' attribute to your
interrupt function. See your device data sheet for more information on this
configuration bit."

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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

Post by Benj »


The configuration bit value is set in the Chipkit bootloader firmware. If you have a PICkit 3 then you can create a Flowcode project for the raw chip instead of via the bootloader and use the PICkit to program the device. This will give you access to the configuration bits via the usual place in the project options.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

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Hi Ben

I'm using already the PICkit3 with the CPU. I changed to mips32.
And it's working!!! Thank You Ben.
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Re: chipkit wi-fire Pic32 IRQ crash

Post by Benj »

Wow that's fantastic, many thanks for letting us know your findings and really pleased you are now able to continue with the PIC32MZ device.

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