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How do I simulate an abort/halt?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 4:17 am
by gtc

My application has an emergency STOP button and I need the program to abort upon pressing of that button.

I have INT0 on the chip assigned to the STOP button and a small interrupt routine associated with it.

To avoid having to test an interrupt status flag in many places throughout the program I was hoping to use a Connect to jump to the END label, but apparently the scope of Connect is local as I cannot see the associated connection point label in Main from within the interrupt routine.

Note: at this stage of development the need for a program abort/halt is within simulation mode so that I can demonstrate the prototype.

Re: How do I simulate an abort/halt?

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 11:02 pm
by kersing
The code at the end of your program is just an infinite loop, if all you want to do is to permanently (until reset/power cycle) halt execution of you code you can just insert a never ending loop (loop with condition always true) in your interrupt routine.

Re: How do I simulate an abort/halt?

Posted: Wed May 24, 2017 4:04 am
by gtc
Good idea. Many thanks.