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Illuminated push button object

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 2:26 pm
by gtc
Has anyone developed an illuminated version of the panel push button object? Especially, one that can be set to any color in the palette?

Real world example: ... 745d3ee307

(am using FC 6)

Re: Illuminated push button object

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 3:17 pm
by Benj
That would be a nice component to have, I'm thinking the LED would be able to be independent from the switch if required. e.g. two port pin properties, one for the switch and the other for the LED. If both connected to the same pin then for example it would light when clicked.

We have a tutorial on how to make an LED in v6 here, adding the switch should be quite simple. ... _Component

Which component category would the component live under? I'm guessing it's better placed under the input category?

If I get some time I might have a quick go at this.

Re: Illuminated push button object

Posted: Mon May 22, 2017 4:33 pm
by gtc
Thanks for the reply.

In reality, such buttons come in two kinds: those where the LED (or neon) is internally wired to the switch so that it signals the switch's status as on of off, and those where the LED is independent of the switch and can be wired to signal the status of the switch or the status of another component.

In order to provide maximum flexibility, the LED should indeed have separate terminals.

I have an application where the switch's internal LED has 3 operating modes: off, on, or blinking, and the blink rate and sequence signals a status code.

As to whether the proposed object is input or output? I guess it's actually in the category of Input/Output :D but its primary role is an input component.

Thanks also for the link.

Re: Illuminated push button object

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:26 pm
by gtc
Hi Ben, any progress on this?

Re: Illuminated push button object

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:40 pm
by Benj
Sorry I dropped the ball on this one.

Would you like to see the component in v6 or v7?

Re: Illuminated push button object

Posted: Tue Jul 04, 2017 12:55 pm
by Benj
Here's a real quick go that seems to work ok, though doesn't cover the blinking mode you raised earlier unless you control the blinking yourself in software.

Created in v7 but should also work in v6.
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