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How to use mLoader

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 12:31 pm
by MarkW

From what i can see the mloader is a bootloader tool that covers
a variety of pic chips for bootloading, but looking at the tools
folder of FC V6 that i have, i dont see an actual bootload "program"
so to speak....

Question is how do i use this for example with a 18F25K22 device
as all i see is some config files and a "bin" there not supposed
to be a FC source file which you can set your config values for the chip
and then compile and write to the target chip first (hex file)...then
after this do bootloading through uart port?
This is the standard way of setting up bootload program, you have to
program the "bootload" setup and compiled program first with a programming
tool like pickit2/3 and thereafter the bootloader takes the hex file from the pc
and xfers the data via some com port....

So how does this mloader work when compared to other bootloaders?



Re: How to use mLoader

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:28 pm
by EtsDriver
What i have understood, I think mLoader programs chip directly using same pins as pickit to do the programming?

So it is not a booloader. Hex file loaded by mLoader or pickit is always same size, so I would think there is no bootloading happening.

MLoader is program that talks with the "GHOST chip" on the eb006-09 or up, and 18f4455 on the older eb006 boards.


Judging from eb072-00-1 schematic, case is exactly what I said.
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Re: How to use mLoader

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 4:57 pm
by Benj

mLoader is a tool for programming Matrix hardware.

For example it works with the EB006, EB064 and EB091 programmer boards where the chip is programmed directly using some kind of a programming host IC.

It also works with the ECIO, MIAC, Student Board, EB031, Formula Flowcode devices which do have in-built USB bootloaders.

To program a 18F25K22 device you could use the EB006 board with mLoader however K22 is ringing an alarm bell for some reason. Either it didn't used to work or it still doesn't. I'll find out. If mLoader does not support the K22 then you can still use the EB006 combined with a PICkit.

Another way to program your device would be to make up a simple vero board to temporarily connect the 5 ICSP pins from the PICkit to the chip.


For bootloaders we generally start with an existing online example and then make it our own. We do not generally release these mainly so we can maintain our unique hardware IP and don't have to provide support. Bootloaders are only necessary if you need to be able to re-program your device at will without a tool like the EB006 or a PICkit.

Re: How to use mLoader

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 5:32 pm
by MarkW
Thanx Ben and etsdriver....

I had idea it was not an actual bootloader :wink:

i have a bootloader but its bit delinquent on the comm
ports, so when it hands over to the main program the FC
program is it working properly on the comm ports....
I should try fix the problem and stick with it because it
does its job very well apart from the comms issues....

