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How exactly use/simulate RS232 component??

Posted: Wed Dec 25, 2013 2:48 am
by victor336v
Does anyone (including Matrix) has a flow chart implementing the same functionality
as their RS232.hex test file?

All it does is sends a word "Hello" to a hyperterminal proving that "send" function works and
then prints a character on the LCD every time corresponding key is pressed on PC keyboard
(PC serial port is connected through an EB-015 serial e-block and hyperterminal is running).

Matrix provides this text file as .hex, but I'm looking for a flow chart to learn how exactly this
simple functionality is implemented. I use Flowcode v3. Basically looking for the flow chart that
was used to generate RS232.hex file. Or similar flow chart.

Anyone please?

Re: How exactly use/simulate RS232 component??

Posted: Thu Jan 09, 2014 11:42 am
by Benj

This might be the file your after.
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