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Compiling Error in V5

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 10:35 am
by Desdewit
Hi Guys

My program does not want to compile in Flowcode V5 but compiled without errors in flowcode V4.
Are there any differences in the C-code of V5? :x

This is the errors from V5

VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(719:23): error: unknown identifier 'ADCS2'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(719:23): error: invalid operand 'ADCS2'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(719:18): error: failed to generate expression
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(719:18): error: invalid operand '<<'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(719:12): error: failed to generate expression
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:33): error: unknown identifier 'ADC_2'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:33): error: invalid operand 'ADC_2'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:39): error: failed to generate expression
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:39): error: invalid operand '<<'
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:30): error: failed to generate expression
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:30): error: invalid operand '| '
VR Weighing Scale V2.5A.c(727:9): error: failed to generate expression

Re: Compiling Error in V5

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:12 pm
by medelec35
Hi Desdewit,
It can be solved, but what's happning is very odd indeed!

The Fix is to delete ADC component from all 3 locations, then delete ADC from control panel.
Finally re-add ADC component, then it should compile OK.

I have done just that with attached version for you to try.

For some reason with the ADC that's currently on your Flowchart is causing Flowcode to pick up wrong data from PIC_CAL_ADC.c (at least that's what I think from a non expert point of view). But I could be wrong with that.
Benj (or others @mm) would know what's really going on as I don't :(

I have posted about this issue in the V5 issues section here: ... 47&t=10361


Re: Compiling Error in V5

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:08 pm
by Desdewit
Hi Martin

Thanks for the reply
I will test your fix

Thanks for posting this in the V5 section as I am still waiting to be added to the V5 section.
Only installed V5 on Saterday :D

Re: Compiling Error in V5

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 5:37 pm
by medelec35
Your welcome,
Hope fix works for you.
Would you mind letting us know if fix works please :?:


Re: Compiling Error in V5

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2012 6:30 am
by Desdewit
Hi Martin

I deleted the ADC component from all 3 locations including the control panel and it worked after replacing it with the ADC component in V5.