MCP41010 Digital Pot

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MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by armagon29 »

Dear All:

I have problems with digital potentiometer MCP41010, I need to set 3 steps, 0 for 0 kOhms, 128 for 5 kohms and 3 for 10 kohms, but I not sure if pin connections and configurations are OK
8 MHz

Cs RC7
Sck RC3

MCP41010 Example
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by Benj »


Having a quick look at your program you are not manipulating the CS output. You should use an output icon to do this as fitting with the timing diagrams on the device datasheet.

Your other pin connections look to be correct.

I would output a 1 on RC7 before the SPI init and then output a 0 just before you send the 2 bytes then output a 1 again before the 5 second delay. Hopefully this should allow the device to work.

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by armagon29 »

I added 1 icon to control Cs pin, now it works excellent


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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by George_B »

Hello ,

I am trying to control an MCP41010 device.

Since it is the first time i am using the SPI communication, is there any example for in flow code for this device?

I cannot understand which three pins are supposed to handle the SPI. Is it RC6 and RC7 and what is the third?

Thanks in advance

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by Benj »

Hello George,

This should help to get you started with SPI. ... c-and-spi/

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by George_B »

Hi Benj, i finally managed to implement potentiometers wiper position control therefore i can control the output resistance.

Thank You very much!

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by ruben_1989 »

Hi ,

I'm using an Arduino uno and a digital pot MCP41010.
But the program doesn't work
Pin ss from the Arduino is connected to CS from MCP41010
We put CS low when sending data
we are using flow code 7

We aren't enable to let the program work with flow code ,
we used a data analyzer en the value we want to send are totally different from the one in the flow code program.

In the macro we send 17 and 55 we get on ore analyzer 8 and 178
in the properties from the spi you can select channel 1 and software what is the difference ?

thank you :D
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by Benj »


Channel 1 refers to a hardware SPI peripheral on-board the device normally using specific pins dictated by the peripheral, software refers to a bit banged version using software routines and is more flexible in terms of pins you can use but requires more ROM and processing power to drive.

It looks like you are outputting on the trailing edge and the analyser is sampling on the leading edge, hence the differing value readings.

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by ruben_1989 »

thanks for the info .

We get the circuit and the program working know, but we changed the propertie's of the SPI and now everything worked out
I was confused about the leading edge trailing edge :oops: :lol:
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello folks... well -it's now 2022... and in November.. so I have not been on the forums for ages.. I decided the other day .. to revisit the MCP41XXX component.. hoping that it would now be working.. I have FLOWCODE 8 ( ..
I have tried all sorts of processors.. I have even tried different MCP41100 chips ,, lest one be faulty.. BUT to my dismay.. It seems that the MCP / PIC chip combination I have.. does not want to function at all.. presently I have a PIC16F1936 with a MCP41100 microchip digital pot.. I have the default pin connections.. as suggested in both FLOWCODE and by the manufacturer data sheet.. I have tried all the little test programs... BUT I cannot get anything to function correctly.!!??
CAn anyone - please enlighten me... as to what I maybe doing incorrectly... or which magic wand do I have to wave... to get this to function..
I am initializing the MCP.. I then have a loop with a 1 second delay ... in which I write to the MCP with .. setwiper(0.TAPS.0) - wherein TAPS is incremented by say 10 per loop. I would then expect the outputs on pins 5,6,7 to start to vary... BUT alas.. they stay at ... 50 K... each leg..
SO... can anyone please help.??
I then also have a QUAD encoder .. with two wires - so called A .. and B.. which I have connected to the processor with default pins.. namely B0 and B1.. and then also I was hoping to see my variable change with pulses... BUT ... also alas... NOT WORKING..??

So it's 2022 - November - and I was expecting to see a working system...
I also have loaded FLOWCODE 9 - and tried unsuccessfully with FLOWCODE 9.. to try the same hardware..?? BUT FLOWCODE 9 does not work either...
PLEASE..?? can someone help me to get these little things to work...
I take it - that ... my PICKIT 3 ... programmer is working correctly... maybe that is faulty... can anyone suggest a way to definitely test my PICKIT 3..?? so that I can definitely not include that as a problem.!!!
Thanks be to anyone... who can tell me what is wrong.. what to do.. I await any help or comments....

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by chipfryer27 »


Can you post your Flowcode file?

You could try a simple one-second flash test to check you are programming OK.


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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello there - okay I will ... just also found out that I can hopefully use my PICKIT3... programmer as a logic analyzer..
I gonna try that then also to see what pulses are going around...
Then.. I also wanted to say that.. I got.. the MCP chip right next to the 1936 chip.. and the wires to the MCP chip are very very short... with a 100 nfd cap right over the MCP chip..!!

the flowcode program is very basic.. do not worry about the other macros... they would be for other "stuff" once the MCP loop works..!!

Thanks very much..!!
here is the basic file..
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by chipfryer27 »


Your loop that increments the wiper simulates OK for me, suggesting a possible config / hardware issue.

I notice that despite your C-Block stating you are running at 32MHz in reality you are only running at 1MHz, which is rather low. I would speed up the chip to something more realistic and create a one-second flasher to check speeds are correct.

I'd perhaps try running at 8MHz as a start

C-Code = OSCCON = 0x70;

and remember to set Clock speed to 8MHz in Project Options as this defines all delay related timings.

I modified your file to run at 8MHz.

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello there... so yeah - i have tried all sorts of things to get this to work... It also works in my simulation mode... It's just a pity that it do not work in real life...!!!
So it is also amazing that NONE of MatrixTsl staffers have voluteered a solution...????

You know it's 2022... and one would expect that if a system like FLOWCODE was written... and a component like the MCP41100 or MCP41010 was written... that it would ACTUALLY work..????.. before it was launched off.!!! to the public...

I also have a QUAD ENCODER ... gadget that I would like to get to work...!!! AND IT ALSO does not work...!!! as it should...!!

I have tried various other gadgets... and some of them work... and some of them do not.!!

I wonder if this whole thing is really OS dependent... like ... that maybe microsoft... in their wisdom.. have written flowcode out the system..???

Can you not build the little circuit... maybe you can get a MCP41010 chippy.. and actually build the circuit on a breadboard... and see that it does not work either...??? then there are at least two of us .. that can say / report that the MCP component does not work.!!!

FLOWCODE is a marvelous idea... cause it was written with the complete amateur in mind... the complete WHIZZ-KID ... who has not got the time to waste to study C-coding.. BUT WANTS to make this "thing" he thought about.... so he uses FLOWCODE so that he/she does not have to waste time in thinking about the software.. BUT rather spend that time in thoughts about what's going to happen next in his project.!!!.. so FLOWCODE is a MAGIC system... IF IT WORKS.!!! GEE... I wish someone at MatrixTsl would own up and demand time to FIX all the badly written components..!!! It would make such a difference to the monthly BOTTOM LINE... and popularity would SOAR.!!!..
BTW - I am trying out FLOWCODE 9... OH what a disastrous front end...!!!!.. I really think that something went wrong... there... FLOWCODE 8 human interface is SO MUCH BETTER.!!!!.. hmmm ...
LET us see is Pete Smart will help me... all the way from Aus...??? PLEASE HELP... PETE..???

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by chipfryer27 »


Did you try making the changes I suggested including trying the one-second flasher? That would rule out timing issues and confirm you are downloading correctly. Always a good start.

Do you have access to a scope or a logic analyser? Connecting to the ports would enable you to see exactly what is happening to aid diagnostics. The uC alone should show pin activity even with just your wiper loop and no physical connection to the Pot. Are you getting activity? If so what happens when you connect the Pot? Scope / Analyser traces on pins would be very helpful.

It's bit unfair to heavily criticise the Matrix team as your post is only three days old..... Support is free and obviously dependent on their available time. However the forums usually are quite helpful with members offering support where they can.

I don't have the Pot and see no real need to spend on one to assist, as you can buy a cheapo analyser for less than it would cost me to buy a chip and it would serve you better. Farnell / RS etc have the chip in stock but by the time handling and postage is applied it's around £13 to £15. Happy for you to send me one though :) An analyser for hobby use is under a tenner here ... c-analyser

If you are not getting sensible activity on the Ports then it may well be a FC component issue. These things happen and are usually resolved quickly when brought to the teams attention.


PS I do have rotary encoders and have used them successfully in v9. The examples worked for me.
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello there chipfryer. GEE man thanks a lot for all your comments and help... so far...
as I have said.. I have tried all sorts of things...??? but no success..
How do I get the attention of the Matrix staffers.??? please..??
as I also said - in 2016 - one could use SPI etctec to get this sort of thing working... but Mr. Rowland has done an enormous amou t of work on FLOWCODE .!!! and he added a component like MCP41XXX . to help us hackers along with our work... BRILLIANT.... then.!!
Now however I wanted to use the component... BUT it does not work.!!!
I wonder where the problem is... ?? I have tried.. a few others... all from Microchip...!!! but cannot get any to work...
As I also stated I have taken on the FLOWCODE 9 trial test time... I actually want to purchase FLOWCODE 9..!!! but right now even FLOWCODE 9 MCP41XXX component does not work...
I have done the flasher... I have changed the operating oscillator frequencies .. down and up and set at all sorts of different values... ??? but absolutely not any good...!!
Thanks buddy... for all your input... I just wonder where the whole issue is coming off the rails...???

Is it the problem with the 1936 processor.??? WOW I dunno... ?? I need that processor for all the pins... for other things to be connected... hmmm so I have to have that size chip...!!
Anyone else,,,?? HELP PLEASE.????

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello again.. OK so I got the use of a scope..and I particularly was very careful about just having only the MCP41XXX component in the flowcode.!! I also only did a FLOWCODE 9 - flowchart.. I setup a software loop.. so that the SETWIPER command was only used.. so as to set say 0,30,1 .... then wait 1 second... then 0,120,1 .... wait 1 second... then loop back to the top.!!

After I programmed the 16F1936.. and made sure all the correct connections to the chip were made..!!! I hooked the scope probe onto ... firstly the CS.. connection... ABSOLUTELY NO .. movement... it just went up to 5 V... (I have the CS pin - tied to 5V with a 1K resistor..)..

I then hooked the scope onto say the .. SO / SI .. pin 3 of the MCP41100 chip I have... ABSOLUTELY NO ... movement - no pulses Nader - Niks - Nothing at all...
I connected to the 5 V to make sure it was 5V .. all OK.!!

then I connected to the SCK .. the CLK signal from the 1936... to the...MCP .... ABSOLUTELY NO ... movement ... it just does nothing.!!

OKAY - FOLKS - WHAT I DO NOW PLEASE.??? how do I make it work.???

maybe someone in Matrix... can have a look / peek at some software... I believe I have all the latest updates...etc etc etc.!!!

I wait in anticipation...?? BTW I running at 8 mHz internal... OSCCON = 0x70; ...?? and a 1 sec flasher is perfect..!!

WOW.. this is looking sad...!!!

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by Steve »

Please post your FCFX file, the generated C file, and the MSG.TXT file.

Also, please describe your hardware or upload a clear picture so we can see how everything is connected.

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello Steve.. yeah... okay... I wish I could... do all those things...
I eventually scrapped the whole breadboard... and have subsequently tried a stepper motor ideology.. BUT that also did not work.!!!
So I have scrapped trying to use any FLOWCODE components per se...!! BUT HEY MAN... WAIT.... soon as I have finished with the project at hand... I will surely grab a new breadboard... and the PIC16F1936 I using... and will DEFINITELY attempt another round of connections and so on... with ONLY the MCP41100 8 pin chippy I wanted to use...!!
So the whole idea is to use a digital pot.. to be the "active" variance in a PWM power supply.... which is controlling the chuck system of a huge lathe... so that as the chuck rotates... the angular velocity of the chuck can be dynamically varied.. !! The reason for this.. to occur... is so that.. the work piece held in the chuck jaws,,, has an odd shaped form.. so this work piece has to be cut away... AND so the cutting disc can only cut into the work piece... whilst it is rotating at a certain velocity.. SO the idea is to use a QUAD ENCODER .. (which did not work either.. also scrapped from the components of FLOWCODE 8... )... and then the angular velocity of the work piece.. can be measured in pulses per..??? and then fed back to the PIC.. and then the digital pot.. controlled.. so that it's wiper will move.. dynamically...and control the PWM motor control of the lathe... so that the "surface speed" will remain constant.. whilst rotating..
NOW - since I can get NONE of the components to function.. I have gone to using a QUAD ENCODER and an interrupt routine... to... help me ... get pulses... !! then these pulses will be fed into software.. and then the software will speedup / slow slowdown... the lathe motor...accordingly.!!! and then a stepper driver... and stepper motor mechanically connected to a mechanical dual gang potentiometer... the one carbon track will be connected to an analogue input... and the other track to the PWM controller... I am hoping that I will be able to control the stepper position within the 270 degree span of the carbon tracked pot...!! without the stepper .. over driving up against the carbon tracked pot.!! GEE ...

this is a typical situation that I would love to have used a totally working flowcode system for..!! you see... the idea of FLOWCODE is fantastic... it allows a developer to... concentrate entirely on the end point... whilst FLOWCODE . does all the donkey work... it stops the detraction away.. from forcing the developer to waste time on writing / worrying about routines... etc etc... AND I am NOT a C-CODE person at all...!!! I concentrate on the end point of the project.!!! WHILST I RELY ON FLOWCODE to DO ALL THE DONKEY WORK.!!!

Then I have also NOTICED YET AGAIN...!!! that there is a PSYCHOTIC individual .. somewhere in the world... WHO IS STILL DOING HIS UTMOST... to MESS UP .. FLOWCODE and it's users / clients...!!
I noted that yesterday.. I had a BACKDOOR ... again... installed ... onto one PC here...!!!... I hope that this person will eventually seek help... to get his mind sorted out.!!!
I also have a guy here in South Africa... who is exactly the same... His name is ANDREW FORRESTER ,.... a real PSYCHOTIC person... who has been trying to STEAL my intellectual property... for the last 3 years at least... He is supported by a syndicate... of business persons... who have given him thousands to waste - to even keep him in a flat -= now opposite my present residence... He breaks into the house at least once a week.. to SEE WTH I am doing... least he misses something.!!..

A long time ago.. say 1975... March... I was 26 years old... I was told by at least two individuals... that I would develop some technology using water... and that it..... WOULD MAKE ME THE RICHEST PERSON IN THE WORLD.!!!!
FORRESTER got to hear about this... project and has since not left me in peace... in fact a PSYCHIATRIST ... I spoke to has said that he has become totally PSYCHOTIC,,, (needless to say he will eventually go to jail - with all his syndicate accomplices... as I was told - way back in 1975...)...

Thank You Steve... and others - who read this..!! I will get back to you ASAP... please...!! I would really like to have a working FLOWCODE system.!! FLOWCODE has helped me - NO END.... in developing... my software - for my water project... AS I STATED... it allows me to free up my time... to concentrate on the END POINT.!!!

BTW - the water project - has been totally moved - away from the house now... BUT IDIOT AF... still believes I ding stuff.. on it at home.!! and it is working really great so far.!!!

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello Steve.. okay so I spent the Saturday morning.. rebuilding only the MCP41100 chippy onto a breadboard.. and attempting to use the MCP41XXX component...
I retried both in Flowcode 8 and then on Flowcode 9... (also I downloaded the new version of Flowcode 9 - and it installed itself. I also did the needed updates..).
So I have a picture of the build .. and then of course the FCFX file as well... the file is for Flowcode 9... per se..
I think that the pic of the breadboard is pretty easy to see.. how I have wired the processor chip - PIC18F26K22 ... and then the 8 pin MCP41100 I have into the circuit..
I used a scope to look see what signals are coming out the chip / going into the chip.. and there is NOTHING / NADER / NIKS ... waveforms..
I really am at a loss here... maybe all the binaries I have ... have been "doctored" / fixed... so that my flowcodes .. both 8 and 9 are all messed up... so that nothing will work..????
If you get stuff to work... PLEASE..?? can you RAR your flowcode install files - and somehow we can try to access them them from you...
I HAVE NO - email address that is NOT HACKED to this AF ..INDIVIDUAL here in south africa... thanks... but can call Alfie Dobson...and we could try arrange something.. that can get the files... without "THE WORLD" hacking into the files and destroying them before I get them.!!!
I am quite worried that I cannot get ANYTHING to work... I have a lot of other components - that do not work either...!!!
thanks Steve - and others.. I will be watching this space...
PLEASE TELL ME - I MADE a STUPID MISTAKE.... I wish that all it is.!!!!
the breadboard is powered from a 5V supply which I made up .. which attaches to the ends of the breadboard..It is a simple LT1076 switch mode supply with a pot for adjusting the voltage onto the side rails..
last - latest flowcode 9 file of this test of MCP41XXX
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picture of the breadboard construction..
picture of the breadboard construction..
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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by chipfryer27 »


The code which you posted simulates fine with me which pretty much negates the theory of your PC /OS / FC having been "doctored", so I think we can safely rule that out.

Visually I can't tell much about your breadboard rails.

They appear to be twin rails at top and bottom of your picture grouped into blocks of five. However I am unsure if neighbouring blocks are interconnected but notice that blocks five and six (counting from left) are jumpered together which would perhaps suggest that the blocks are not interconnected. Could that be an issue?

Assuming the rails are continuous, irrespective of whether the Pot is responding, your LED should still flash. You don't mention it in your post.

Have you checked that rails are continuous and power is going to where it should? If so I'd perhaps then confirm you are actually programming the chip.

Hope this helps.


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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello there squire - chipfryer ... yeah.. indeed ... as I stated - the +5V and 0V rails are all joined .. for the length of the run of the breadboard..
I have as you see in the flowchart.. put a LED out to flash for 1 second on and 1 second off.. which it does...
After programming the chip.. I switch off - and then on again... and connect the PICKIT3 gadget.. and then ... like do a software verification... of the software in the chip itself... and everything seems to verify OK.!!

I think it's either a good virus - or it's a binary .. that is not 'kosher' ...?? OR as I suspect... all along... the actual component - has never worked .. ever correctly....!!!

I even tried this in FLOWCODE 9 ... and even after a 'huge'..?? - update...!!! and ..IT STILL DO NOT WORK.!!!!

I hope that Steve from MatrixTsl..... picks up on this, and then he can get Ben Rowland .. or someone to actually fix the component - until it works...!! or tell us... why it ain't working.!!??

I tell you what ... if you could afford to borrow / beg / obtain...?? a MCP41100 ... 8 pin chippy somewhere... and actually try / test the MCP4XXX component... and find it working / not working... it would be FANTASTIC... cause then we could really start getting to somewhere...??
surely... it's not that difficult... out here in the sticks of the world at the southern tip of Africa.. I call online to RS online... and order ... ?? I know I have to wait about 10 days.. BUT most times I get what I need.. that way... WOW...!!..
Okay squire - chipfryer ... thanks for your help / input... let's hope Matrix can shed some light on this problem.. BOTH flowcode 8 and flowcode 9 ... does not work.!!???

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by AbhijitR »


A small input from me, testing circuit's on breadboard is good until you are sure the pins under each hole are perfectly tight and holding the component affirmatively.

I always prefer to solder the components on a general purpose PCB with IC sockets, in this way I am sure nothing is loosely fixed like breadboard and can focus on actual programming work.

Thank you.

NOTE: Also a spare chip will be helpful if available just in case the other one is damaged for some reason.

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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by chipfryer27 »


Trusting that all connections have been verified etc and your LED is flashing at the correct rate, then it could very well point to a component issue. In previous posts above, using the generic SPI component it appears Ruben_1989 managed to get his Pot working. Have you tried that at all?

It would perhaps help to narrow things down.


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Re: MCP41010 Digital Pot

Post by cardacSA »

Hello there guys..!!! OK... so you buy FLOWCODE.!!! and WOW .. here all of a sudden is.. a componemt .. called MCP41XXX ... so you try to find out what is a MCP41XXX... ??? and you then understand that it is a digital pot.!!!...
... and in good faith... seeing that you have now spent your hard earned cash in buying this stuff... WELL I EXPECT that THE STUFF should work...
??? would you not so be of such thoughts.!!!
I think in 2016... there probably was not FLOWCODE 8 .. so advanced...?? and especially now in 2022.... late... 2022... one would expect that the flipping component like... MCP41XXX - SHOULD ABSOLUTELY WORK.!!!!!

BUT buddies.. wait...!!! IT STILL DO NOT WORK...!!!!

I was told... just two days ago... FLOWCODE 10 is shortly to be released.!!!.. AND I BET YOU... that the guys at Matrixtsl... WILL NOT FIX THE COMPONENTS in Flowcode 8.... anymore... or even Flowcode 9.!!!!
WOW - it is a very sad state of affairs...!!! you know.!!!

sure - use ... whatever you want... BUT my argument is that... the component in Flowcode was written in... BUT IT DOES NOT WORK.!!! AND NO ONE AT MATRIXTSL... CARES A HOOT AT ALL..!!! TO HAVE IT FIXED.!!!! and what is more concerning... is that the same problem exists in FLOWCODE 9.!!! AND NOT A SINGLE MATRIXTSL staffer ... CARES ABOUT THAT FACT EITHER..!!!! WOW... man.. What has happened.???>? WHY DOES MATRIXTSL - NOT CARE ANYMORE.!!!???????

I want to buy... Flowcode 9..!!! I love using FLOWCODE .!!! BUT rapidly I am getting REALLY WORRIED.!!!! THAT THERE IS NO FLIPPING SUPPORT ANYMORE.!!?????

I agree... about a breadboard being dodgy.!! ABSOLUTELY 100% agree.. so I made up a PCB with a MCP41XXX on it and a very modern chip like a PIC16F15345.!!! on board... BUT IT STILL DOES NOT WORK.!!!


thanks guys... (I am very worried..)... are you folks not also worried... I live in south africa... the exchange rate is 20+ to 1... UK pound sterling... would you also not be worried that your FLOWCODE 9 does not work.??? come on it is end of 2022... and a written in component should work.!!!
Hey - what about all the other components.??? all that lovely stuff.. within... ALL NOT WORKING...??? HUH..??? WOW man I am worried... will they ever FIX the stuff.!!!???? PLEASE..???

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