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Compiler settings

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:08 pm
by john_m0ers
Hi, I recently tried compiling a fc7 file that has compiled before, only for it to throw up a message telling me I was compiling in FREE mode.
When I looked in compiler options I noticed the PIC compiler had changed to XC8.
The only thing I did recently was update microchips mplab.
Could this have altered it, and could someone tell me how I get this back as it should. Also, the linker option shows "do nothing" only for pic.
regards john

Re: Compiler settings

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:16 pm
by kersing
Both FC7 and FC8 use XC8 in free mode. If you want to you can use your own licensed XC8 compiler for smaller code. If Matrix were to include the non free versions of the compilers Flowcode would become substantially more expensive.

If you were running in the first 30 days of you own XC8 install (it not being part of FC install) it might have used Pro features, creating smaller code.

For XC8 the linker step should not do anything, the compile step takes care of both compiling and linking.

Bottom line: from your description everything configured is as it should be.

Re: Compiler settings

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 2:46 pm
by john_m0ers
Hi, and thanks for the incredibly speedy answer. I take it the fact that my licences are for the fc7 professional do not include the compilers?
regards john

Re: Compiler settings

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:48 pm
by kersing
The license for a professional Flowcode version allows you to use Flowcode in a commercial setting. The compilers (and optimization levels) included are the same for all Flowcode licenses.