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PIC12F1572 ADC problem (SOLVED)

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2017 8:27 pm
by Lagoda
Hi All,

I would like to use ADC and UART modul of PIC12F1572.
The problem is that +Vref pin of ADC and Rx pin of UART are same pins and I can not setup Alternate pin function in Flowcode7.
The +Vref pin is not active.

Can I get some help?

Best Regards,


Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:09 am
by medelec35
Hi Lagoda,
To set-up alternative pins, first look at the datasheet on page 101:
Alternative pins.png
(62.86 KiB) Downloaded 2947 times
See which pin you want to change the function of.
E.g TX which is what your currently using (not RX) from pin RA0 to RA4
Work out the required value = 4 as it's bit 2.
Add the following C code at the start of your flowchart:

Code: Select all

If you want to change both RX and TX = bits 2 and 7 = 4 + 128 = 132
Add the following C code at the start of your flowchart(witin same block as OSCCON will be suffice):

Code: Select all

Also, you don't want to sendChar as when the AD value is 32 then you are sending a space and not the number 32.
You should use SendNumber instead.
You may also want a space between numbers.
What I do is after sending a number I use

Code: Select all

SendChar 13

Code: Select all

SendChar 10

That makes each number appear on a new line


Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:01 am
by Lagoda
Hi Martin,

Thank you for your advices.

I modified the flowchart.
The Rx function of the UART is on the RA5 now.

But the "Vref+" pin is inactive, the ADC working with VDD reference. :(

Do you have any idea?
Best regards,


Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:54 am
by Benj
Hi Lagoda,

I think I have found the problem. Please can you try copying the attached file into your "Flowcode 7/FCD/PIC" folder.
(16.23 KiB) Downloaded 250 times
Restart Flowcode and load your project and check that the ADC component properties are still set to Vref+, it might have changed thanks to the FCD changes.

Hopefully this should now work for you.

You can check by looking at the generated C code around line 629.

Code: Select all

    FC_CAL_ADC_Enable(3, 3, 1, 40);
If all has worked correctly then the 1 should now be a 2.

Let us know how you get on.

Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 11:55 am
by Lagoda
Hi Ben,

Thank you for your help.

Unfortunately, the problem remains.

If i set the reference VDD then in the line 626 is: FC_CAL_ADC_Enable(3, 3, 0, 40);
If i set the reference Vref+ then in the line 626 is: FC_CAL_ADC_Enable(3, 3, 1, 40);

Best Regards,


Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:00 pm
by Benj
Thanks for letting us know. I accidentally changed the settings in the DAC instead of the ADC.

Here is the corrected definition file.
(16.39 KiB) Downloaded 290 times

Re: PIC12F1572 ADC problem

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 1:31 pm
by Lagoda
And it works well !!! :D

Thank you very much!
