Fingerprint scanner

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Fingerprint scanner

Post by mnf »

I have GT-511C1R (just the basic 20 print module - there is also a more expensive 200 print version which has an identical interface) See ... ner-5v-ttl

I see a few requests for this in the forums but no actual component - and had started work on getting this module to work a few days ago. By coincidence it features in an Elektor article this month - so ahead of the curve ??

I've attached a 'first attempt' flowchart - this works (can connect to fingerprint scanner - register and identify fingerprints), but still needs some work. It uses the CAL UART component - and was surprisingly easy to get talking to the fingerprint module. I used a level shifter after seeing dire warnings about the TX/RX levels (although in the demonstration video the 'Sparkfun guy' uses a 5v FTDI module)

Registering a fingerprint is a multi-step process and I'd like to get this to a single step. I've made a query about callback functions in the programming topic - but no reply (yet) - an alternative idea is EnrollFinger(step) - where step goes from 1 (or 0) (EnrollStart) to 4 (or 3) (Enroll3). The user really needs some prompts during the process...

Simulation - I thought of successful /unsuccessful call to Identify/Enroll (need to set return values) etc

The program currently has a main which is a test routine using an OLED i2c display to show progress.

Anyone have one of these and can test and assist?

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Re: Fingerprint scanner

Post by mnf »

Ok - so here is a first attempt as a component.

There is still nothing for simulation users - get real people :D Ok - I'm still not really sure how to go about making it simulate correctly. Any pointers gratefully received.

Some features of the GT5 fingerprint scanner aren't implemented (download/upload image for example) - I can add if they would be useful. The Arduino doesn't have enough ram and writing to SD would be way too slow - so would need someone with a PIC or other MCU and the patience to test.

Also there is a simple test program. Enrolls 3 fingerprints then tries to identify finger pressed - flashes the LED to show id (or fast flashes if not recognised).

Also attached is the flowcode to produce the component (volunteers for the simulation side of things????) - any requests as to changes (one that occurred to me - LED is on until finger is removed - I preferred this when giving instructions via an LCD - but this needs user to 'know' to press and release each finger 3 times and only going off after finger is lifted is a bit odd?).
The 'timeouts' on the Capture routines are not implemented. I got to where fingerprints weren't being registered and I thought this might be to blame (turned out my fingertips were too smooth!)


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FlowCode to produce component
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A test program
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As a component

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