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Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:52 pm
Hi Team

I would like to suggest that the Compiler /Programming window which opens when compile to chip opens up and now have to be closed by the close button have a setting in the configuration that it automatically closes after successful
programming ,this way for people which like to have this window open all the time can have that and people like me which like to have it closed after programming to have more space on the PC screen can have it as well

If possible this would be a great cosmetic improvement for me personally :D

Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 10:51 am
by Benj
Thanks Peter,

I've put it on the list of feature requests.

Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2016 7:50 pm
Thanks a million Ben much appreciated :D

Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 4:52 pm
by triokenwood
Hi all,

In fact, I am seeing the compiler report window do several things, not all at the same time, but all to an irritating level:-
  • The first time a compile is requested, after Flowcode startup, the last few lines of the report remain 'invisible', and the report cannot be scrolled - leaving me to 'guess' whether compilation (to HEX or to CHIP) has completed. If, however, the compilation action is repeated (and the warning message is over-ridden) the report window seems to behave 'normally'

    If two Flowcode sessions are active at the same time, then the report window seems to become 'all white' - leaving me to 'guess' when it might have completed, and leaving me to 'guess' where the <CLOSE> button might be lurking!
What I would also like is to be able to 'Compile to ASM' and, therefore to also be able to 'Compile from ASM' (to HEX, obviously). Perhaps an explanation of what the 'DoNothing.exe' file actually does might help (given that it's name is somewhat unhelpful !!). Obviously, I realise it must call the XC8 Assembler / Linker, but could you let us know what options are invoked during the call?

Thanks in advance.


Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:45 pm
by kersing
I'm using the dark theme and not seeing any of the issues you are experiencing with the compiler window. Perhaps worth a try?
triokenwood wrote:Perhaps an explanation of what the 'DoNothing.exe' file actually does might help (given that it's name is somewhat unhelpful !!). Obviously, I realise it must call the XC8 Assembler / Linker, but could you let us know what options are invoked during the call?
I think the name is extremely helpful, it does what it says on the tin, nothing. The XC8 compiler calls the assembler and linker.

Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:23 pm
by triokenwood
Hi Kersing,
[sorry fopr a slight hijack of the OP]

OK - I hear what you say. But, if "DoNothing.exe" doesn't do anything, why is it there? And why call it?

And how, then, is the XC8 compiler/linker called from within Flowcode, and what options are used?

Back on-topic:
I'm using the 'dark style' option as well - and the problem is absolutely repeatable.

Could it be due to a multi-monitor setup? I'm using three monitors, and have moved certain FC7 panels off the main window (Project explorer, Properties and 2D Dashboard Panel), onto a side-screen, to free up space on the main screen (which I obviously want to try and keep clear for the flowchart icons. I have noticed that, when doing this, I also end up with latent 'desktop background' corruption when Flowcode 'loses focus' to other applications.

Is it possible that all my problems - including the Compiler Report issues, could be attributed to using a multi-screen setup?


Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 8:33 am
by kersing
triokenwood wrote: OK - I hear what you say. But, if "DoNothing.exe" doesn't do anything, why is it there? And why call it?
Probably because Flowcode traditionally runs a compiler first and a linker afterwards. For XC8 which does both in one run the option was to change the Flowcode internals and settings dialog (add an additional setting to skip the linker because other target platforms still require the linker) or call a dummy. Matrix chose to run a dummy.
triokenwood wrote: And how, then, is the XC8 compiler/linker called from within Flowcode, and what options are used?
Compiler settings can be found (and changed) in (menu) "Build"->"Compiler Options".
triokenwood wrote: Could it be due to a multi-monitor setup?
It could be, however if I recall correctly Ben wrote in the past he is using a multi-monitor setup as well. As I'm using a single monitor (UHD to get screen real estate) I can't test. Might be a combination of multi-monitor with your graphics adaptor.
One thing you could try, go to "View"->"Global Options" Tab "Application". Change the setting for "Graphics Engine" to the opposite of the current setting (so 'OpenGL Software' to 'OpenGL Hardware' v.v.)

Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 12:45 pm
by triokenwood
Thanks again Kersing,

Finally (!!) I have managed to get my head round what is happening when the Compiler action is invoked. Your explanation forced me to revisit the Compiler Options window (again), where it finally became clear that XC8 is invoked not just as the compiler, but also as the assembler/linker as well. Now I understand what DoNothing.exe actually does - nothing :D (because the XC8 call has already 'done everything', so no further action is needed).

A phrase comes to mind, something about not being able to see the forest because the trees are in the way :!:


Re: Closing of Compiler report window

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2016 10:56 am
:D I must admit this staying open programming window is very desturbing for me since FC7 I am using Flowcode more often and that because of the Addition of XC compilers and the support for all the devices which was not available in FC6 but really every time you Program or compile you must close the window
I just find it anoying and as said before a option to leave it open or close it after compileing or programming would serve both world