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ILI9341 bug?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 1:41 am
by keithh534
The 'SetBackgroundColour' method doesn't appear to function.

Re: ILI9341 bug?

Posted: Fri Jan 19, 2018 3:58 pm
by LeighM
This was answered in ... 64&t=19745
text output with transparency off, which demonstrates how the new background colour is drawn.
Any change to background colour is only visible on the next draw, the existing background pixels do not change until then.
In other words, the 'SetBackgroundColour' only changes the background drawing colour,
to be actioned on the next drawing function,
it does not have any affect on the current screen pixels.

The screen does not actually have a background as such, it's just what colour the pixel was drawn with, foreground or background colour.