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Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:21 am
Hi Ben

In Flowcode 7.2.05 there is no compile to asm in the Menu
And there is no .as or .asm file in the projectfolder.
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Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 10:59 am
by LeighM
If you compile to hex then you still get an assembler file in the project directory, just look for .as or .lst

Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 11:48 am
Hi Leigh
I did compile to hex. But no .as or list file.

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Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 12:35 pm
by LeighM
Oh, PIC32, you are so right, it doesn't, maybe there is a flag that can be added to the build batch,
I'll have a quick look. PIC32 I normally avoid these and leave them to Ben :wink:

Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 1:00 pm
by LeighM
You need to add to the Build->Compiler Options->Compiler->Parameters ...

Code: Select all

So the new parameter list is ....

Code: Select all

-mprocessor=$(chip) -O1 -Wa,-a="$(srcdir)$(target).asm" -o "$(srcdir)$(target).elf" "$(srcdir)$(target).c"
Save it as a new Compiler Option Setting

Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:34 pm
Hi Leigh

Ok now it's generate a file with .asm.
But there is no assembler inside..... It looks like a bill....

I'm looking for this commands like btfss bsf bcf .... ... 33014K.pdf

the Idea is to use some asm commands in FC7 to "overwrite" some configuration bit and add commands like watchdog clear and much more.
So the asm File is a help to see the commands. But maybe it's not like this.

GAS LISTING C:\Users\KFS-FO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\ccnw71sg.s page 1

1 .file 1 "Flowcode_Emg_2018_main1.c"
2 .section .mdebug.abi32
3 .previous
4 .gnu_attribute 4, 4
6 .comm FCI_TMP_STR,20,4
8 .comm FCI_TMP_INT,4,4
9 .section .text,code
10 .align 2
11 .globl FC_CAL_Port_Out__x
12 .set nomips16
13 .set nomicromips
14 .ent FC_CAL_Port_Out__x
15 .type FC_CAL_Port_Out__x, @function
16 FC_CAL_Port_Out__x:
17 .frame $sp,0,$31 # vars= 0, regs= 0/0, args= 0, gp= 0
18 .mask 0x00000000,0
19 .fmask 0x00000000,0
20 .set noreorder
21 .set nomacro
22 # End mchp_output_function_prologue
23 0000 FFFFA530 andi $5,$5,0xffff
24 0004 0000828C lw $2,0($4)
25 0008 27180500 nor $3,$0,$5
26 000c 24106200 and $2,$3,$2
27 0010 2430C500 and $6,$6,$5
28 0014 25104600 or $2,$2,$6
29 0018 000082AC sw $2,0($4)
30 001c 0800E003 j $31
31 0020 00000000 nop

Re: Flowcode 7.2.05 compile to asm missing

Posted: Wed Nov 22, 2017 2:46 pm
by LeighM
You need to look further down the .asm file, and get the correct assembler doc, for PIC32, not 8 bit PIC :wink: