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Compiler ERROR

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2017 11:06 am
by ValRad
Hi Guys,
I'm planning to buy the Flowcode v7.

I have installed the trial version and can not compile a project (can not get the .hex file)
the .elf and .lst files are not generated
no issues to get the .c file

Is the trial version limited???

if yes then please ignore this post as I will buy the software.
if not then I need a support to get it working first

compiler settings:

<compile path='$(appdir)compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat' params='$(chip:l) "$(outdir)$(target).elf" "$(outdir)$(target).c" "$(outdir)$(target).lst"' />
<linker path='$(appdir)compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrb.bat' params='"$(outdir)$(target).elf" "$(outdir)$(target).hex" "$(outdir)$(target).cof"' />
<programmer path='$(appdir)compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc_usbtiny.bat' params='AVRDUDE $(chipalt) $(chip:l) "$(outdir)$(target).hex" "$(target).hex" 0 $(cfgb) $(cfg0) $(cfg1) $(cfg2) $(cfg3)' />
<configure enable='0' path='' params='' />
<viewer >
<source enable='0' path='C:\Windows\Notepad.exe' params='$(outdir)$(target).c' />
<asm path='C:\Windows\Notepad.exe' params='$(outdir)$(target).lst' />

Compiler error message:
Target folder: C:\FLC
Source name: C:\FLC\Test.fcfx
Device: AVR.AT90.AT90USB1287
Generated by: Flowcode v7.2.1.4
Date: Saturday, August 19, 2017 10:20:34
Users: 1
Registered to:
Licence key: on End
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat at90usb1287 "C:\FLC\Test.elf" "C:\FLC\Test.c" "C:\FLC\Test.lst"
Launching compiler...
ERROR: Can not launch process: The system cannot find the file specified.

Completed compilation, return = 255

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat reported error code 255


Re: Compiler ERROR

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 3:57 pm
by Benj

Thansk for letting us know of the problem, please can you try these slightly ammended compiler options. Just added quotations around the path to the compiler batch file.

<compile path='"$(appdir)compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat"' params='$(chip:l) "$(outdir)$(target).elf" "$(outdir)$(target).c" "$(outdir)$(target).lst"' />

Re: Compiler ERROR

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2017 7:44 pm
by ValRad
Hi Benj,
thank you for the quick reply
same issue with the amended compiler parameters and same issue after reinstall.

I have bought the professional license but in the software - "License version: Standard Version" (see attached pictures)
still can see the trial days remaining

Thank you in advance

Target folder: C:\FLC
Source name: C:\FLC\Test.fcfx
Device: AVR.AT90.AT90USB1287
Generated by: Flowcode v7.2.1.4
Date: Monday, August 21, 2017 18:57:23
Users: 1
Registered to: Valerijus
Licence key: Y0MWU8
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat at90usb1287 "C:\FLC\Test.elf" "C:\FLC\Test.c" "C:\FLC\Test.lst"
Launching compiler...
ERROR: Can not launch process: The system cannot find the file specified.

Completed compilation, return = 255

C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat reported error code 255


Re: Compiler ERROR

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2017 10:12 am
by Benj
Hi Val,

The 30-day trial will remain active until it completes. We didn’t want to essentially punish users for buying a license by switching to their license and potentially dropping the free trial functionality. If you start Flowcode when offline then it should correctly show your license. When the 30 day trial expires it will simply revert to your license.

We have a FAQ here which should help you on the file cannot be found problem. ... artlang=en

Hope this helps and let me know how you get on.

Re: Compiler ERROR

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2017 7:41 am
by ValRad
I have mod. the NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation reg file and the reinstall the software.

The compiler shows no error on compilation :)

Thank You.

Target folder: C:\FLC
Source name: C:\FLC\Flowcode1.fcfx
Device: AVR.AT90.AT90USB1287
Generated by: Flowcode v7.2.1.4
Date: Wednesday, August 23, 2017 07:08:03
Users: 1
Registered to: Valerijus
Licence key: Y0MWU8
Launching the compiler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avra.bat at90usb1287 "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.c" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.lst"
Launching compiler...

C:\FLC>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-gcc.exe" -mmcu=at90usb1287 -Os -funsigned-char -o "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.c" -lm

C:\FLC>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objdump.exe" -S "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" 1>"C:\FLC\Flowcode1.lst"

C:\FLC>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-size.exe" -B -d "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf"
text data bss dec hex filename
754 0 22 776 308 C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf

Compilation successful!
Completed compilation, return = 0

Launching the linker/assembler...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 7\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrb.bat "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.hex" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.cof"

C:\FLC>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O ihex -R .eeprom "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.hex"

HEX file creation successful!

C:\FLC>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avr-objcopy" -O coff-avr -R .eeprom "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.elf" "C:\FLC\Flowcode1.cof"

COFF file creation successful!