SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »


I've now tried on an Arduino for you and am getting the same hanging issue you are getting. Very odd. I'll see if I can work out why.

With a pixel width of 128 it is ok but with a width of 255 or 256 the device is not getting stuck but is resetting back to the start.

It appears something inside the clear function is causing the reset, however if I copy the C code from the function into my project using a C icon the reset no longer happens! Copying the C icon into a Flowcode macro and again it is resetting. Hmm.

Ok I've narowed it down to the buffer access. Very odd. Need to think about this one.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

Thank you for all your effords Ben!

il try pixel width of 128 just to see if i can get something out of my screen :wink:
i know some glcd screens switch internally to a second on board processor for the next 64 or 128 lines. maybe its related.

Due COVID-19 im working from home so have more possibility's to test small stuff during the day.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »

Due COVID-19 im working from home so have more possibility's to test small stuff during the day.
Me too, very surreal :?

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

i tested the program i made with initialisation and a repeating loop with 'hello world' and led B5 on. one second on and 1 second clear.

if i set the width to 128 it does loop the 1 second on and off but image on display still the frozen noise instead of expected half display 'hello'.
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

No pressure! but just wondering if you have found anything. if not no worry! just please let me know when you have an update or when i need to test something.
I just observe the display (still) shows this 'frozen noise' inmedeatly after startup no mather what follows.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

Let me know what i can do. i have two displays eager to get working.
do i need to get one to you? or can you get one for research?
let me know at least if it is looked at. i dont mind if it takes longer.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

just checking in to see if there is any update. i cant resolve it myself unfortunately. if buying the FC8 helps i will! i am happy to pay for development. please let me know.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »

Hi Angelo,

Please can you try this component for me. I've doubled the number of buffers 8, to 16 and reduced their size 256 bytes down to 128 bytes.
Hopefully it will make a difference for you.
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

appreciated Ben!

i inmeadelately tested it :P ... aaaaaand no :(

no Display at all (only noise image when i push the reset button) but in my fc the led i have on board for B5 is not blinking so it does not run or initialise im thinking. i checked my wires over again but when taking display off it wont blink either so...
does somebody have a different processor where it does switch the output B5 (or a other for that mather) 1 sec on 1 sec off?
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

seen my message Ben? is my non running processor, because the led wont blink here only on my side? is my processor maybe the wrong one? what one should i get? also for some fasterscreen changes and bigger memory and so on? maybe need to get this running first.

i know you are doing your utmost best but is there any other way to get this fixed? Do you need the display there for testing? im at the point i better can send you my demopanel bare the costs of shipping to get this macro to function. if you can get it back to me im fine with that.

the project where this is for is at a complete standstill now.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »

I've now removed the RAM buffer, this will limit what you can do on the display but hopefully it will allow you to use the display.

text font has been removed and you can only print on a 0,8,16 multiple on the Y axis.

Fingers crossed.
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

oke! with this simplifyed macro it at least does pass and the led B5 blinks one second on off. i left the circel drawn in there. it now does still show a noise but more bright and before the led goes on i see a small glitch in the screen. what is possible to put on the screen for test? can you change the first macro in the loop of my program?

this processor would have been very handy but i got to go look for a better one. i would probably be sluggish too for what i want to show on the screen. What would you suggest for some fast screen results and memory for some graphics? and is programmable with FC? if i need to buy other package of processors in FC i dont mind. (would have been nice last week with the 50%deal and upgrade to FC8 but this will do i guess)

thanks for all the help!

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »


Try printing text at address 0,0 with font size 0. The initialise should be getting rid of the noise so it's clear something still isn't quite right.

If you contact our sales team they might be able to help. The PIC16, PIC32 and STARM are all good options for high speed devices.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

i will try the text this week Ben. just to see if that changes anything. still curious.

i found the AT91SAM7S128 as free processor in FC and its affordable and i found an development board. just now i need to make an JTAG adaptor to my GALEP-5 to program this :roll: .. ah well wl see.. would this processor be capable of getting some better results? you would think with those specs. dont mind ordering one for trying and getting it connected again but if you say this is not a good option at all i halt all and find another.
the compiler trew some warnings. maybe because of the downgraded changed macro?


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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

So since last message 2 months ago i was waiting on my development board with stronger AT91SAM7S128 processor. Apperently the store i ordered it got it truh china so it took long :roll: . Friday package arrived JAHOO! hooked it up to my programmer with JTAG-ICE and after sucsesfully reading existing data and ID i tryed to program my file for the SSD1322 showing a simple circle. Errormessage! it showed a fault in a line. not able to program... :(

After looking closer i found Flowcode mentions a AT91SAM7S128 and a AT91SAM7S128_64. The _64 i am not permitted to use with my FC7 without ARM packet :cry: . i knew i only have the AT91SAM7S128 without the flowcode ARM package so that i ordered that to test.

The processor i have has 64 pins. If i open the processor pinout for the AT91SAM7S128 in flowcode it shows 48 pins. In the Atmel datasheet the only two 48 pin are 16 and 32 Mb memory processors. all 64 to 512Mb processors are only 64 pin. so it looks like it does not exist. correct me please if im wrong....

i tried a simpler led on off 1 second file and i got it uploaded in the processor hoping its the same structure but nope... no blinking led... :(

Beeing dissapointed i figured i get the ARM update package for FC7. wrong.. i cannot get or find the update. apperently i need to buy FC8 upgrade for 200 plus so i can add the ARM package.. or am i wrong?

What can i do? :cry: please advice.
im affraid i have to eventually shell out 300 euro or so to get a 18 euro display on a 25 euro demoboard working :lol:

Someone have the ARM package for FC7 and can send me a bin or hex file so i can confirm my processor works?
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »


I've sent you a PM.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

With the help of Ben and David from FC the ARM package is now working! thank you guys.


why my program by jtag-ice is not working il learn later. I got it working now via the bootloader and mloader and the led test in the bootloader works. got a simple prog with single led flash 1 sec off and on at A0 working by mloader so was up for the big test.... the display.
Have all hooked on and checked loaded and..... nope. same... :?

I did put the led flash in the loop too and that works.. the display initializes apparently but I feel its still not doing that correct. during the loop nothing changes and also during reset the display keeps the same noise. only a brief screen off at the point of the initialization in the loop and same noise back.

what can I do? both my displays do the same...
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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Benj »


It looks like the SSD1622 display is not compatible with the SSD1322 code. It has a larger pixel dimensions and so there are likely a fair few differences in the driver IC.

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Re: SSD1322 macro crashes FC7 test

Post by Dutch »

I gave it the wrong number ... it’s a SSD 1322

Il go try to make it work with an arduino sketch and theyr bootloader (never have done that) because that i have seen that working. Just to check my display.
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