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PIC18f2553 C4 and C5 outputs Versus USB

Posted: Thu May 09, 2019 11:06 pm
by alanwms
Hello (Ben):

I have difficulties getting the I/O points C4/C5 working correctly, and I think it is due to the USB which is assigned to the same port pins (which are only inputs for me).
I have studied the forum which is where I concluded my issue, and attempted the C code for disabling the USB without success.
I disabled the USB in the project configuration (Flowcode7).

Can you direct me regarding correct C code this for the 18f2553? And more importantly, I have difficulty finding config data. The data sheet doesn't seem to have it - Although has a lot of chip details.

I'm contemplating changing the pins, but only have one spare input available.

Thanks in advance