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LCD 1602A is not recognised

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:53 pm
by Nasim Khaliqhey
I am using the Device 16F1827 with lcd 1602A
I have two input module
No1; EBM003
And two out put Modules
No1;LCD 1602A
No2;an led
the working condations are as desired for 3 options but
LCD 1602A is not recognised .
I tried to initalise 1602A it can be set in the list of initalisation
but the mentioned display dos`t exsit for creatting macro setting
looking forward for hearing an advise

Re: LCD 1602A is not recognised

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 7:29 pm
by medelec35
Please do not hijack topics not related to your topic.
I have started a new topic for you
Can you post a flowchart that shows the issue you are having.
