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data recorder/scopeview pwm read out.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 11:56 am
by astro1234
Help,i am try to get a pwm read out on data recorder/scopeview using this flowchart,
there does not seem to be any signal at all, am i using the scopeview correctly,
also how come there no pdf files in the help menu ?.
i know there is the wiki page , but i like to read about how flowcode works, by not using the web. :o
Regards astro1234.

Re: data recorder/scopeview pwm read out.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 1:54 pm
by Benj
Hello Astro,

Are you trying this in simulation or are you using Ghost hardware and ICT?

In simulation the PWM output is not currently simulated. We only have the PWM component itself which shows the waveform. We could try and generate the PWM waveform in simulation but the timing would likely be off and it may eat up a lot of resources trying to do in software what the PWM hardware does on the micro.

Using ICT and Ghost you should be able to see the PWM signal from the real world hardware in Flowcode.

Re: data recorder/scopeview pwm read out.

Posted: Thu May 04, 2017 2:33 pm
by astro1234
Benj wrote:Hello Astro,

Are you trying this in simulation or are you using Ghost hardware and ICT?

In simulation the PWM output is not currently simulated. We only have the PWM component itself which shows the waveform. We could try and generate the PWM waveform in simulation but the timing would likely be off and it may eat up a lot of resources trying to do in software what the PWM hardware does on the micro.

Using ICT and Ghost you should be able to see the PWM signal from the real world hardware in Flowcode.
Thanks Benj for your reply,
just ran it on the EB006V9 board and i can see the pwm trace on
my Rigol scope,so i know that the flowchart is running ok.
Because i could see the trace on the data recorder scope view,
when running a flowchart with a flashing led on RBO, i thought that i was
using scopeview wrong.Now i under stand (i am new to flowcode, i have a lot of learning do. :D )
regards astro1234.