OLED Color SSD1331 display.

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OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello everybody,
I would buy a few Oled Color display driven by SSD1331.
SSD1331.jpg (34.78 KiB) Viewed 10293 times
Unfortunately in FC7 I found SSD1351 which looks similar but...., and reading at this post http://www.matrixtsl.com/mmforums/viewt ... 355#p86355 I wonder if it was ever fixed.

Is there anybody who has tested this display using component SSD1351?
If it doesn't work, do I have a chance to get support from Matrix team?


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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »


The components should work however there is usually a surprisingly large number of different ways to wire a display driver chip so it ends up being down to the manufacturers implementation of the display driver.

If you want a guarantee that it will work then you can send a display module to us and we will ensure it works with the component or create a new component specifically for the display.

I would suggest you get a few of the display modules and test them yourself. If you are unable to get it up and running then send one to us and we will investigate for you.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

OK I'll order and try.
It will take at least one month but I'll let you know if it works.


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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »

Many thanks hope they arrive soon.

I know your pain I ordered an IR sensor array back in May and am still waiting on them to arrive.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Benj,
finally I received the display and tested with SSD1351 FC7 component but it doesn't work.
Reading at this post https://github.com/sumotoy/SSD_13XX this display looks very interesting (standalone hardware accelerated scroll) so I wonder if you can make it working.
Can you please PM a valid address to ship or order to?


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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »

Display received, investigating the component for you now.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Wohhhh!!! So fast!
BTW no hurry. Take your time. I cannot test before next week.
Many Thanks!!!


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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »


Right all working for me now :D

Component here, simply copy to your "Flowcode 7/Components" folder and restart Flowcode.
(9.84 KiB) Downloaded 264 times
The component is also available in v8 using the check for updates system.

Many thanks for sending and let me know if you would like the display returning.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Benj,
my display still doesn't work but it could be a setup problem.
The Led is flashing but the display doesn't light at all.
I'm attaching my test flowchart just to compare with your settings.
My first question is if you used 5 or 3.3V device (I'm using 3.3V as the display should work).
Also I wonder which physical pins you connected to the display and if you are using Channel 1 or Software configuration.
The component gLCD_SSD1331 has both MISO and MOSI but the display only SDA: MISO connected to it and MOSI remains unconnected?

As last I noticed that, when I move the mouse over the chip pins, it seems that some pins are used in the gLCD even if I never used. Here is pin 7 but many more if you try: is it just a cosmetic issue or my FC7 installation mess up?
(21.58 KiB) Downloaded 4158 times
Thanks for your patient and regards.
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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »

The component gLCD_SSD1331 has both MISO and MOSI but the display only SDA: MISO connected to it and MOSI remains unconnected?
The component is based on SPI which enables MISO and MOSI together, they are both shown to inform you that you have lost the functionality of the MISO pin.

The SDA pin should be connected to the MOSI pin and not to the MISO pin.

I ran the display at 5V without any problems but 3V3 should also work.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Benj,
The SDA pin should be connected to the MOSI pin and not to the MISO pin.
The MISO in the display is connected to PORTC.4 in the PIC which is SDA.
We may have to specify that the PIC is Master ans Display is Slave. The display has pins: GND, VCC, SCL, SDA, RES, DC, CS and there is no MISO pin, that's why my question: MISO for the display is unconnected?

Anyway I'm sorry but I tried any sort of combination and so far the same results. Tested Channel1 and Software, Fosc/4 to Fosc/16, TogleCS and UseReset Yes and No. I've also changed to 5V chip (PIC18F2550) and a couple of displays.
I just saw a few times some garbage while powering on the circuit but that's all.
Could you please share your test flowchart or show me the Connections configuration you used for the display?
Which chip did you try?

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by stefan.erni »

Hi Giuseppe

Can you give me the type and supplier of the display.
Maybe I use it once and could help you a bit with the configuration and the SPI interface.



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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »

The MISO in the display is connected to PORTC.4 in the PIC which is SDA.
The display SDA pin needs to be connected to C5 not C4. Hopefully this is all that is required. C4 should be unconnected.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Stefan,
thanks for your help but all that I have is what you see in the picture of the first post. This display is from ebay and there is no much more info.

again as told I tested all possible configurations but no luck.
I asked to share your test flowchart but I can't insist more.

Thanks and Regards

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by Benj »

Hi Giuseppe,

I'm testing on an Arduino Uno with the following connections.

CS -> A1 (C1)
DC -> A2 (C2)
Reset -> A0 (C0)
SDA -> D11 (B3)
SCL -> D13 (B5)
VCC -> 5V

Here's my program.
(9.37 KiB) Downloaded 182 times
And an image of the working display.
gLCD_Test.jpg (324.21 KiB) Viewed 9879 times
For help with the SPI connections.

MISO = Micocontroller In Slave Out - This does not need to be connected.
MOSI = Microcontroller Out Slave In - This should connect to the SDA pin on the gLCD.

For the No Reset pin option you will need to tie the reset pin to VCC.

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Benj,
thanks again for spending time for my problem!
Anyway I checked your settings and tried to move to PIC (sorry I don't know Arduino) using same settings and any kind of possible combination and again no luck.

Finally I decided to connect the display to PortB, using software, and..... the display worked at first try!!!
(166.41 KiB) Downloaded 4055 times
So, what should I conclude: the PIC18LF26K80 has a bug on hardware SPI implementation?
I saw an errata-corrige on 18FxxK80 talking about pull-up resistors but not sure if it's my case.
Anyone had experience on SPI with 18LFxxK80 family?
Just for reference I'm attaching my flowchart. The display is connected as:

VCC -> +3.3V
SCL -> B3
SDA -> B5
RES -> B0
DC -> B2
CS -> B1

Many thanks again.
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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by medelec35 »

gdt wrote:Anyone had experience on SPI with 18LFxxK80 family?
Could be related but I have a different SPI display to you.
On Arduino works perfectly in hardware mode via FC8.
Tried on K22 family and display not working at all in hardware or software mode.
Maybe a related issue?
Could be worth reporting as a bug?
I have got a logic analyzer and there are several characters missing on the K22 family

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Re: OLED Color SSD1331 display.

Post by gdt »

Hello Martin,
thanks for sharing your experience!
I had in mind another post related to the same family http://www.matrixtsl.com/mmforums/viewt ... 175#p90175 where same hardware problem but on i2c. In this post a user said that "Hardware i2c and spi never worked on any 18FxxK40 devices".
So it can't be just a coincidence. If the hardware communication works on Arduino I believe there is something related to FC7 that could be easily fixed.
I think you are right to report as a bug or at least the Matrix team should give a look.
Should we open a dedicated post?


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