To get gLCD working

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Nasim Khaliqhey
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To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Dear adviser
I tried to get the display showing the inserted data, I designed one more the same kind
of circuit as my last project I did make the change
as I received the last information to make change in timing the display to one second (No display action )
The reason that I made a new design unfortunately I can´t reopen any one of my designs
after it has been inserted in an IC I don´t know why.
please look at Attachments

Note; if it is not possible to solve the problem in communication I can come to you to show me if you have the time for it I had this problem with FC4,5. 6 & now it is withFC 7 to
With regards

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hello Nasim,

The "Failed to load schema" message is a sign that your files are corrupted. It is not a Flowcode problem but rather a specific problem with your computer.

We have seen this type of corruption with cheap network storage where the files are not properly saved.

It might also be a sign your doing something wrong e.g. not shutting down your computer correctly.

It might also be sign of a virus or other nasty that is running havoc on your machine.

Finally it might be sign of faulty, old or worn hardware. A new genuine hard drive or flash storage drive may help significantly. Don't buy flash drives from Amazon or eBay, they are almost guaranteed to be a fake that will corrupt your data.

I would strongly advise you to take back ups of your files say onto a genuine USB flash storage drive, ensure the files copy across correctly before removing the storage.

If you're still in doubt then I would advise taking your computer to an expert and telling them your files are being corrupted and they should be able to advise you further.

Cloud storage may be an other option for you.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Thanks Benj
I will check my computer by my computer expert this week
but PIC16F1937 is bought from Matrix multimedia
so it must be the display unit , if its not in the same protocol as EBM 001.
Hope it is find out I will report it to you as soon as I Find the result ok or (not ok)
with regards

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hello Nasim,

Do you have any more details on the display you're using?

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Dear Benj
here is the details of the Display I am using
topic 1.44´SPI 128*128 v1.1
Pin connections Id
1 Vcc +5v
3 CS Chip slecte

And all the mentioned connections are made regarding to data showed or set with the panel .
with regards
Note: my laptop needs a checkup service you are right, that will be known this weekend thank you

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hi Nasim,

I don't think that's enough info on the LCD to go on to find the right controller IC. Do you have a link to where you purchased the display?

Hope your laptop gets sorted for you without too many issues.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

dear Benj
I have my communications with my suppliers can you kindly say to me what is it that not equal to EBM001
I sent you a copy my new design which I added a main loop
that is not important The only thing I want is to get the Display running
with regards

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hi Nasim,

The EBM001 display uses the ILI9163C driver IC. Only displays with this exact same driver will work with the EBM001 component.

If you know the driver IC in your display then it may already be supported by one of the other gLCD components. If not then let us know what it is and we can see about adding support for it.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

thanks Benj
always the right adviser gives the right point that has not been thought about.
now I see that this kind of Display has no drive componenets just it has sonly two components 1 smd transistor & 1smd DC blacker capacitor.
thanks again for making me be happy for my weekend
looking forward hearing from you if there is any solution to set IC ILI9163C or any other

with regards

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hi Nasim,

It sounds to me like you need to talk to the gLCD supplier and ask them which driver IC is inside the display. Without knowing this it could be one of at least a hundred options making it very difficult to say if it is going to work or not.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Dear Benj
T o day I received 2 of gLCD EBM001 but they don´t have any IC at the back side of gLCD´s PCB but there are 8 transistors and some other smd components I spend a few hours to get it work but the problem is the same only back light is working no data appears
please see what can be done to make it work
with regards

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hi Nasim,

Please can you send me your program and I'll take a look for you.

Also have you seen the examples available here. ... f51e8fe24b

The display driver IC is buried away inside the metal case. The SMD components on the underside are to allow the display to be compatible with 5V and 3V3 output pins.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

hey dear Ben j
I don´t know why my post has not reached you may be it is my Rooter is not able to do that .
here I send you a copy of my last project hope that I can get the advice to make it work.
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by LeighM »

Hi Nasim,
Thanks for posting your project.
You just forgot to use the gLCD_EBM001 Initialise as the first icon of your program.

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Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Dear adviser
Can you kindly send me the software of EB-006-00-7 Programmer now I have been using Daman programmer evry thing shows ok but I am not receiving data out puts .
it must be a mistake on setting of some function .
when I bought EB-00-600-7 i have not received the small compact disk with I do have for f5 &F4 but they can not be used
By the way when I am using 4MHz Crystal with 22PF capacitors only function is working on scope is MCLR

Not for programming Mesh-Tech Sign withPIC16F877A modified.fcfx
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »


The mLoader software can be used with the EB006 Multiprogrammer from version 6 right through to version 9. ... php?id=884

The PPP software is our old programming software and this worked with the EB006 up to and including version 8. ... .php?id=15

Using these with Flowcode is detailed here. By default Flowcode PIC comes setup to use the built in version of mLoader and so should work with your EB006 out of the box using the compile to chip button. ... ming_Tools

Regarding your Flowcode project, if your using a 4MHz crystal then the clock speed in the project options window (Build -> Project Options) should be set to 4000000. Currently your 7second delay will actually be more like 34.4 seconds.

Another thing you can try is in the configure tab of the project options window change the Oscillator from HS to XT. XT is up to and including 4MHz and HS is over 4MHz I think. The rest of your config settings look fine.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Thanks for showing me how to calculate the delay timing all your advice are grate .
now I can read some thing like 0,123 volt for a few second 00.00 volt for a few seconds .
with my multi meter that is giving the unwanted blinks to LED s I am going to add 200Kohm resistor between B0.......7 &VDD
I will find out & let you know
hope fully I will be able to do this & my EB 6...7 working soon
1000 &1000 thanks

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

hey Ben J
thanks for your use full calculation info
it has been successfully used now for timing of gates operations.
I set 8 MHz crystal & reset the delet time to 68s But as I see I have to set the LEDs Anodes to gates by using NPN transistors please have a look at the Attached snapshots
kindly tell me if it is a good id
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2017-01-12 (1).png
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

Hey dear Benj
I hope I am not using your other working time, this project has also taken allots of my workshop working hours + my evenings away from my family never mind
now my EB00-6 00-7 is working and I programmed an other PIC16F877A for reading a constant I tried by adding a diode 1 PNP & 1 NPN TRANSISTOR with an LED
but the LED is constantly is ON
the graph shows ON & OFF times but not the LED the modification A made are the ON timings are 68 sec each & OFF timings 30 sec each
please have a look at it when you have the time for it
2017-01-12 (3).png
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Benj »

Hello Nasim,

I'm not sure what the scope traces are about? The 50Hz seems to suggest your picking up mains hum.

Can you attach your current program and we will have a look.

Your delays seem quite long, when starting out why not try delays of 1 second, that should help to quickly see if the code is working and running at the right speed. Once you have things working you can pop your required delays back in.

I see your driving LEDs via transistors? Is this necessary, what current do the LEDs require? The micro pins can source approx 20mA which will drive most standard LEDs. If you do need more current or higher voltage then can you attach a schematic of your NPN transistor and LED so we can double check this is correct for you.

This wiki page shows a NPN being used to drive a piezo sounder, you should be able to replace the sounder with your LED and current limiting resistor.

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

hey dear Ben J
I made the designed software transaction to PIC16F877A by your advice of making the delet timing to 0.1sec=1ml sec .
To amplify the voltage for driving an LED I used a NPN transistor with low currant base drive I tested even tech it by finger the LED turns ON .
then I tried with PNP transistor for a few reasons it is the same.
As you can see the out put voltages are existing in bought equipments scope & volt meter, frequency also has the same leading edge & dropping edge all the time
looking forward for your going forward advice
with regards
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by LeighM »

Can you attach your Flowcode test project, then we can check that you are turning on and off an output in a loop with a 1 second delay.
Can you attach a circuit diagram to show your LED driver circuit and where you are connecting the scope input and ground.
If you connect the scope input to the processor pin output you should see the square wave output.
What you have now is just mains frequency noise, have you got the ground connection OK?

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

dear adviser here attached the icons setting diagram done by me
answer to question of prop GRD connection I am 100% shore about that other ways I will not be reading any thing
I will be soon send you the diagram of switching transistors hope you find the mistakes .
with regards
2017-01-17 (4).png
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2017-01-17 (5).png
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start programmer for Mesh-Tech sign for reprogramming.fcfx
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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by Nasim Khaliqhey »

hey dear adviser
here I send you the drawing of the switching transistor circuit as I have mentioned in my last post

Note: the last two Transistors in second drawing are NPN.
dT1hSFIwY0Rvdkx6TmpMVzFoYVd4amIyMHRiSGhoTG5ObGNuWmxjaTVzWVc0dmJXRnBiQzlqYkdsbGJuUXZhVzUwWlhKdVlXd3ZZWFIwWVdOb2JXVnVkQzlrYjNkdWJHOWhaQzkwWVhSME1GOHhMUzB0ZEcxaGFURTBPV0ZrT0RCa1pqVmhOekF5TkdFN2FuTmxjM05wYjI1cFp.jpg (101.34 KiB) Viewed 17846 times

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Re: To get gLCD working

Post by LeighM »

I suggest removing the IOC Enable icon.
You should see a pulse on the processor B0 output, for at least 5mS
Your circuit 1 will work, not so sure about circuit 2

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