asm and C code in flowcode V3

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nicole wolffer
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:11 pm

asm and C code in flowcode V3

Post by nicole wolffer »


I used flowcode V2 and upgraded to V3.
I did not used much V3 version since I had some problems wich were easily solved with V2.
I usually copied asm code from the microchip site or examples of C code which I pasted in the flowcode 'C code' box.
I am now more motivated for flowcode V3, but the asm code which is copied from the microchip site cannot be compiled.

As for example to wait for a signal entering pin BR0 to be high, in V2, I use
a C-box with the following code:
btfss PORTB,0
goto $-1
it works quite well with flowcode V2 but does not work with V3
reading the forum, I understood that I need to replace 'PORTB' by '_portb'
but 'goto $-1' is still not compiled.
I need the PIC to react as fast as possible when the entering signal goes high.
I beleive that these two lines of code are faster than using
- a connection point
- an entry
- a condition
- a connection point in one arm of the condition.
So I prefer to carry on using such asm code.

please, tell me which code can replace 'goto $-1 '

nicole wolffer
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:11 pm

Re: asm and C code in flowcode V3

Post by nicole wolffer »

finally, I hadded a label like this,

btfss _portb,7
GOTO label00000001

it works

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