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PIC12F508 -- trivial program fails to compile to hex

Posted: Sun Oct 04, 2015 3:34 pm
by gtc
Similar problem to the one I reported here: ... 59&t=16833

Don't know what you guys did to fix the 12F609 chip config file, but it seems the same needs to be done for the 12F508 and maybe also for its cousins 12F509 and 16F505.

Re: PIC12F508 -- trivial program fails to compile to hex

Posted: Mon Oct 05, 2015 4:11 pm
by Benj

The BoostC compiler we are using does not currently support the 12F5xx and 16F5xx devices which is why your getting compilation errors.

For Flowcode v4 we allowed these devices to be used by allowing Flowcode to work with the HiTech compiler which did support everything.

Since then the HiTech compiler has been bought by Microchip and is no longer available, however we left the devices in for v5 and v6 just for anyone already using the solution with HiTech installed.

The XC8 compiler is very similar to HiTech but we make no promises that everything or even anything will work as is.

We have a plan in motion to support more of the PIC range of devices and so hopefully we will have a workable solution available to our users again soon.

Re: PIC12F508 -- trivial program fails to compile to hex

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:31 am
by gtc
Benj wrote:Hello,

The BoostC compiler we are using does not currently support the 12F5xx and 16F5xx devices which is why your getting compilation errors.
Bummer. I'm trying to do a like-for-like on this job.
We have a plan in motion to support more of the PIC range of devices and so hopefully we will have a workable solution available to our users again soon.
Good to know and can't come quickly enough for me. If I never again see the infamous "error code 1" it will be too soon!