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Simulate C-code

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:26 pm
by Drakkor
Hi, I don't know if Ver 6 has this ability but it would be nice to be able to simulate the project when there is C-code in it : )

Re: Simulate C-code

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:45 pm
by JonnyW

The problem with C code is that there is not enough context to simulate a snippet reliably. Take the code:
A * B;

This may mean 'A multiplied by B', or it may mean 'B is a pointer to a variable of type A'. Without prior context (i.e. a whole program) we can not tell for sure which meaning to execute.

We could compile and execute the whole thing as byte-codes, but as Flowcode supports so many architectures this is a very large undertaking.

In short, this is not possible at this time, but would, I agree, be a really nice feature to have in the future given enough time to develop.


Re: Simulate C-code

Posted: Mon Nov 04, 2013 9:59 pm
by Drakkor
Thanks for the explanation. I figured it would be a complicated thing to do. I'll just keep studying c code and testing on the breadboards : )