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A few thoughts...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 1:55 am
by Brendan
In addition to FCV5 Pro, I currently have FCV6 PIC package edition for personal evaluation so comments based on that.

A few personal thoughts and suggestions...

1. I find the pop-up box, declaring total run time after stopping code execution, merely irritating and never useful. The ability to disable it would be welcome.

2. I only ever use the dashboard panel with the basic 2D components, though associated icon labels would be good (i.e. without having to individually attach and group text labels).

3. As a basic productivity feature, the ability to group-select flow icons and create a new macro from selected would be good (e.g. Select > Right-click > Create New Macro). Possibly coupled with an option to simultaneously convert the selected icons in the flow to the newly-created macro at the same time (e.g. Select > Right-click > Convert to macro), aiding quick hierarchical decomposition and structure as the code develops and grows.

4. Option to remove component icons from the drop-downs (i.e. Different graphical styles unnecessary when only debug indication is needed).

5. If the system panel is deselected, it doesn't automatically load and open if the component is mistakenly directed to the wrong panel when selected (obviously visa-versa to suit others preferring the system panel). Ideally the panel options would be parentally limited by the 'View' options menu.

6. An ability to custom-colour macro tabs.

7. ...Oh, and I2C slave would be welcome :P

As a newcomer to FCV6 my apologies if I've overlooked/missed anything.

Keep up the fine work gentlemen, and thanks for your consideration :wink:

All the best,


Re: A few thoughts...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:05 pm
by JonnyW
Afternoon Brendan.
1. I find the pop-up box, declaring total run time after stopping code execution, merely irritating and never useful. The ability to disable it would be welcome.
This has been asked for a few times. It is something I keep meaning to do, and is not a big job at all so I will try to get that sorted.
2. I only ever use the dashboard panel with the basic 2D components, though associated icon labels would be good (i.e. without having to individually attach and group text labels).
Connections on components have been asked for, I think we just need to look at the cleanest way of doing this. There is an option in the latest patch to entirely disable the system panel.
3. As a basic productivity feature, the ability to group-select flow icons and create a new macro from selected would be good (e.g. Select > Right-click > Create New Macro). Possibly coupled with an option to simultaneously convert the selected icons in the flow to the newly-created macro at the same time (e.g. Select > Right-click > Convert to macro), aiding quick hierarchical decomposition and structure as the code develops and grows.
Unfortunately this isn't so straight-forward when local variables or parameters are used - how are these to be converted in the sub-macro. It is not impossible, but I would have to have a bit of free time to add this nicely.
4. Option to remove component icons from the drop-downs (i.e. Different graphical styles unnecessary when only debug indication is needed).
Things are getting very cluttered. It would be nice for the user to be able to hide components, but then how would they get them back. The other option is to add 'uncategorised' into the component on export. Perhaps a combination of these two, but we definitely need to do something in this area pretty quickly I think.
5. If the system panel is deselected, it doesn't automatically load and open if the component is mistakenly directed to the wrong panel when selected (obviously visa-versa to suit others preferring the system panel). Ideally the panel options would be parentally limited by the 'View' options menu.
This is fixed in the next patch.
6. An ability to custom-colour macro tabs.
Interesting. I would like to be able to group them into folders in the project explorer. Variables too. These sorts of things would be good to add when there is a bit of quiet time.
7. ...Oh, and I2C slave would be welcome
Do we not have one? Shows how much I know. This is one for any component creators I think.

I hope this answers some of these points.


Re: A few thoughts...

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:49 pm
by Brendan
Thank you Jonny.

I'll admit to feeling rather guilty throwing in a wish-list as I'm sure you've more than enough on your plate.

The progressive evolution of Flowcode does make such a compelling case :D

All the best,


Re: A few thoughts...

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 10:50 pm
by Benj
3. As a basic productivity feature, the ability to group-select flow icons and create a new macro from selected would be good (e.g. Select > Right-click > Create New Macro). Possibly coupled with an option to simultaneously convert the selected icons in the flow to the newly-created macro at the same time (e.g. Select > Right-click > Convert to macro), aiding quick hierarchical decomposition and structure as the code develops and grows.
Unfortunately this isn't so straight-forward when local variables or parameters are used - how are these to be converted in the sub-macro. It is not impossible, but I would have to have a bit of free time to add this nicely.
Labview does this very well and I agree it is a nice feature. I wonder if global variables should stay as globals or if they should be recreated as locals and passed in as parameters from the component. Maybe some kind of a pop up wizard which analyses the variables and gives you options for each.
7. ...Oh, and I2C slave would be welcome
I2C slave is now officially on my list, hopefully an easy one to sign off and roll out, mainly an FCD upgrade required I would think to add necessary interrupts. Not sure how a software one would work but should be possible. SPI slave would be another good one.

Re: A few thoughts...

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 1:25 am
by Brendan
Hi Ben.

Thanks for your thoughts and comments.
I wonder if global variables should stay as globals or if they should be recreated as locals and passed in as parameters from the component
Recognising things aren't always so simple, I'd 'personally' be happy if they simply retained global status.
I can't speak for everyone of-course so I'll step aside for other comments.

Excellent news regarding I2C / SPI slave (thank you).

All the best,
