Colour of system panel rapidly changes and Syntax error.

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Colour of system panel rapidly changes and Syntax error.

Post by medelec35 »

I have sent this bug via Report a bug within flowcode, but will repeat it here since Not sure what information is sent (Would you mind letting me know please)?

For first bug: Run flowcode and altering an13
As the analoge slider is slowly increased the background of systempanel keeps changing:

For second bug compile to hex and following message is displayed:
Graphics issue1.png
(118.51 KiB) Downloaded 3538 times

Errors when generating C source code:
Demo_Board1_8bit_v6.c : 494 : error : Syntax error
Demo_Board1_8bit_v6.c : 504 : error : Syntax error

Flowchart opened was a fully working (apart from ADC issues) V5 flowchart.

There is also odd generated C code:

Code: Select all

 Use :Waits until the switch is in state 'low'
       :The interpretation of 'high' depends on the polarity
void FCD_0ff_switch_base__WaitUntilLow()
    //Local variable definitions
    MX_UINT8 FCL_SWITCHVAL; // The state of the pin

    while (1)

        FCL_SWITCHVAL = FCP_GET(B, 0x80, 0x7);

        #if (0) // 0 == 1

        //Code has been optimised out by the pre-processor
        // #else


        #if (0) // 0 > 0

        //Code has been optimised out by the pre-processor
        // #else


        if ((FCL_SWITCHVAL != 0) == 0) break;

I believe it's LED array that's causing Syntax error.
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Re: Colour of system panel rapidly changes and Syntax error.

Post by JonnyW »

Hi Martin.

I think the issue is the ADC is a little strangely sized. The effect you can see is the ADC magnified many times. Resetting this should fix the problem.
2013-09-14 18_20_39-Demo_Board1_8bit_v6.fcfx.png
ADC size
(7.53 KiB) Downloaded 3528 times
There does seem to be something odd about that ADC, and I'm not sure whats going on with it, but I can look into this.


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Re: Colour of system panel rapidly changes and Syntax error.

Post by medelec35 »

JonnyW wrote:I think the issue is the ADC is a little strangely sized. The effect you can see is the ADC magnified many times. Resetting this should fix the problem.
Hi Jonny, I have included the fc5 version because when open with FC6 the aspect ratio os all wrong, when dragged to correct size and shape then dimensions will look wrong!

Here is the odd thing, altering an13 on analog inputs physically alters the size of the ADC component.
So if it started off at 24mm, dragging slider of analogue window makes component resize to 100's mm
Hence different effects can be observed when dragging.


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Re: Colour of system panel rapidly changes and Syntax error.

Post by JonnyW »

Hi. I don't know what black magic is going on inside the component - perhaps there is some weird maths that is causing this. Sounds like something we can sort easily enough though./


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