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UART2 Not Working

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 3:26 pm
by MarkW

Been using a 18F46K22 for sometime now in TQFP package, without any problems.

Using FC6.1.2.0

changed chip package to smallest one UQFP, but now the uart2 TX is not working.
i can toggle the pin as a I/O no problem, but when i try send a string there is
nothing doing....same code....nothing changed.

Pretty stumped by this....anybody know?

The pin is both same for both packages, TX2 is port RD6, so i think theres
an issue with the compiler....for some reason?

Re: UART2 Not Working

Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:52 pm
by Benj

The silicone processor core inside the TQFP and UQFP packages will be identical. So if code runs fine on one type it should also run fine on the other. The compiler doesn't know which package you're using and so I can't see how this could be causing problems.

On the smaller package is it possible that maybe some of the power supply pins are shorted or disconnected? This may lead to some things running ok but others not.

It might also be worth checking the Microchip Errata document for the device to see if there are any known issues.