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SSD1351 Componet

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 3:09 pm
by MarkW

I have a SSD1351 OLED display that i would like to use (datasheet indicates 4 wire SPI connections)
serial in / serial clock / chip select / data..command / reset

1. Looking at the graphic display component from FC6 "SSD1351" i am not sure if it
uses hardware SPI or software driven pins (selectable in properties)?
2. In the properties....does the "Register Select (RS)" mean to be attached to the DC (data...command)
pin of the display?

I have connected the display to the hardware SPI (18F46K22) but not sure the macro component will work
like that....and what to do about the "Register Select" in the properties of the macro component (SSD1351)



Re: SSD1351 Componet

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2017 4:46 pm
by Benj
Hello Mark,
1. Looking at the graphic display component from FC6 "SSD1351" i am not sure if it
uses hardware SPI or software driven pins (selectable in properties)?
Currently the component uses software (bit banged) SPI.
2. In the properties....does the "Register Select (RS)" mean to be attached to the DC (data...command)
pin of the display?
Yes the RS and DC are effectively two names for the same pin and can be connected.

Let us know how you get on.