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KS0108 Displays 192 pixels but only 2 Controller Pins

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2016 4:03 pm
by 407charles
Hi, I was trying to get the KS0108 196x64 locally but I surprisingly found that it's not available, so the only source available was from China. I found a source on Ebay and I ordered one, I never though I was getting a 196x64 display with only two chips! :shock: So far, The only options on flowcode for the KS0108 is 128x64 with two chips and The 196x64 with three chips. Anyways, I wired the display for testing and it works but one section of the display is inactive and in "orientation 0"all the displayed data is offset (because the area of chip three is inactive) but if I change the display orientation to 2 then It displays in the right origin but the display's last section it's inoperative since the data in that area is not being displayed, I have to say that the display controller has a good speed and visibility so it will be great if you guys could implement a component for this display if possible. There is a way to change the settings to have this display working??? I tried to update the pixel number in the property box but it comeback to default values for the two chip. I'm including the datasheet for reference, on page 8 it shows the logic for the CS pins to get access to the three sections containing all the 196 pixel columns.
Thanks a lot for your time, in the meantime I will be waiting for hurricane Matthew to dissipate here in Florida, it's been a complete nightmare!!! :|

Re: A question for the Matrix Specialists.

Posted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 4:47 pm
by EtsDriver
Not a Matrix Specialist, but ill contribute!
This should be easy to implement after quick look at datasheet.
(39.75 KiB) Downloaded 4455 times
The CSA, CSB signal state declare what pins you use to drive which area. (The third controller pin is not needed as the logic on board selects correct area...)
You could use extrenal logic gates to implement the 3 different CS_A,CS_B,CS_C from Flowcode to get over this on HW if more hardware type person,
or if more software type person, then some SW changes to the KS0108 component so it handles the area selection with 2 pins only :)

Re: A question for the Matrix Specialists.

Posted: Mon Oct 10, 2016 3:46 pm
by Benj

Here is a v6 component which has been modified to include an extra controller count type.

Simply copy the file to your "Flowcode 6/Components" folder and restart Flowcode.
(32.7 KiB) Downloaded 457 times
Let me know how you get on and I'll roll out the change to the v7 component.

Re: KS0108 Displays 192 pixels but only 2 Controller Pins

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:20 am
by 407charles
Hello Benj, that's great news! thanks a lot for your help. The display has a high visibility, good processing speed and a very good display area. It's a good component. I will check your Display component as soon as possible. I will let you know how is it working. Thanks a lot again! :mrgreen:

Re: KS0108 Displays 192 pixels but only 2 Controller Pins

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:42 pm
by 407charles
I did test the new KS0108 Glcd component, it works excellent! I did test the Glcd with both orientation parameters, 0 and 2. I connect CS1 pin to CSA and CS2 to CSB. I'm want to appreciate your support towards this Glcd implementation, it's good to have more options to work with. According with the datasheet, this display has a controller S6A0107 which looks that it is a replacement chip for KS0107 or KS0108 or is fully compatible. Excellent job Benj! I post a couple of pictures with the Glcd operating.

Re: KS0108 Displays 192 pixels but only 2 Controller Pins

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2016 3:50 pm
by Benj
Thanks for letting me know it's working as expected for you now.

It certainly does look like a nice crisp display.

I've made the changes to the v7 component now too so they will be included in the next release.