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Arduino MEGA CAN Coms

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 11:45 am
by Chris_MIRA
Im trying to use CAN comms with the Arduino MEGA, BUT the CAN options in the properties list only allow for 20 or 8 MHz, the Mega is 16, is there another way of configuring this? Can you send me a fix to include 16 MHz or (even better) make it a user set-able value?


Re: Arduino MEGA CAN Coms

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2016 12:30 pm
by LeighM
Hi Chris
The CAN property speed relates to the crystal/frequency of the MCP2515 CAN controller chip, not the processor. So I hope that is either 20MHz or 8MHz, let me know if not.
We had to go for a fixed list, rather than a variable parameter, as calculating the options for the phase bit lengths gets a bit too complicated.

Re: Arduino MEGA CAN Coms

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2016 9:55 am
by Chris_MIRA
Hi Leigh,
Thanks for the quick response, Im all sorted and working now :D