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gLCD 2x16 dose not display the programed data

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 11:51 am
by Nasim Khaliqhey
to whom it may concerns
dear Sir or Madam
I have programd a PIC16F877A with displaying the Data to a gLCD 2x16 it works in my laptop good.
I transferred the data to the mentiond PIC and wired to my PCB according to the properties connections of LCD eb005
but unfortunately I donĀ“t receive the data display what can be the problem ?
looking forward hearing from you

Re: gLCD 2x16 dose not display the programed data

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2016 12:24 pm
by Benj
Hello Nasim,

Please can you attach your program so we can take a look at what might be going wrong.

A schematic of your hardware setup would also be very helpful in determining the cause of the problem.