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RS232 Interrupt not working

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 8:49 am
by MarkW

Running FC6 on 18F25K22

I can receive a string (polled), but when i set the comport(0) to process an
interrupt, it does not work. The port has been initialised, 9600 baud...and
the int routine simply captures a char and sends it out on comport(1) which
is the 2nd port on the micro....

Strange thing is that the comport(1) interrupt works but not comport(0),
i have not disabled the port or anything as i can receive a polled string
but the interrupt method is not working




Re: RS232 Interrupt not working

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 10:43 am
by Benj
Hi Mark,

Please can you post your program that shows the bug and we will investigate.