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It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:42 pm
by 407charles
I would like to know if it's possible to use a touchscreen. Thanks for your help.

Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 8:55 pm
by acestu
Hi Charles,

Did you know that 4d systems do a number of touch screen modules that communicate via serial protocol.


Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 4:20 pm
by 407charles
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm wondering how hard will be to use one of this with flowcode, have you tried one already? I have seen a 4.3" Diablo display with touchscreen and serial posts but I don't have and idea if I could interface it with hardware using flowcode. Any ideas?? I read today about the gLCD_EB076_4D1 by Benj. I did check the macros and it already has the routines made for a touchscreen. I also read that he has the new component but not sure if is already update it in the latest software update or if is needed to be uploaded to the flowcode components folder. I would like to get more information regarding this component. Best regards.

Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:31 pm
by Benj

The 4D displays are quite good in that you can control them in a number of ways.

1) Using the serial interface and drawing lines, rectangles, text etc like you would normally on a graphical display via Flowcode.

2) Using the VISI interface. Here you create a GUI in the 4D software, copy the assets to an SD card which is plugged into the 4D display and then control the interface using the Flowcode VISI component. Search the forums for VISI and you should find some examples.

We currently support these 4D display models via option 1 but everything should work via option 2.

4D Goldelox style displays

I don't think we support the Diablo range at the moment but they shouldn't be hard to add.

Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 4:27 pm
by 407charles
The three displays support by Flowcode are the three mention above, but the other displays such as diablo can be interface using the component VISI, right? How difficult it is to use it with just VISI? Now talking about the other three displays (supported by Flowcode), I have seen that there are macros for the touch functions, are these tools for programming the display or still needed to use the 4D software to program the display? Thanks a lot for your reply, I appreciated.

Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 11:15 am
by Benj
How difficult it is to use it with just VISI?
This is pretty straightforward, I was suprised just how easy it was to get working. Look for a post by John Crow on VISI as he wrote an article on it.

I managed to dig it out. ... 26&t=15212
Now talking about the other three displays (supported by Flowcode), I have seen that there are macros for the touch functions, are these tools for programming the display or still needed to use the 4D software to program the display?
The 4D gLCD components will simply work to drive the displays, you don't need the 4D systems software at all.

Re: It's possible to implement a touchscreen???

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 2:15 am
by 407charles
I'm definitely trying this hardware, I did not pay attention to this component before. I have to give it a try! thanks a lot for the advice.