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CAN bus connections

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:43 am
by Walbeek
Hi there,

I'm using a PIC16F88 in a EB006 programmer with the EB018 CAN board.
In the schematics, the INT pin of the CAN board is connected to RB0 of the 16F88.
In the software I can't connect the INT pin (or can't find how to)
Is the INT pin used in the software?
How do I connect this pin in the software?
Please let me know.

Re: CAN bus connections

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:51 am
Walbeek wrote:
I'm using a PIC16F88 in a EB006 programmer with the EB018 CAN board.
In the schematics, the INT pin of the CAN board is connected to RB0 of the 16F88.
In the software I can't connect the INT pin (or can't find how to)
Is the INT pin used in the software?
In my opinion you do not need the INT pin ,the only case you will need it is when you setup your MCU to trigger and INT when the INT PIN of the CAN board fires
you can poll the CAN board for received messages

Re: CAN bus connections

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:52 pm
by kersing
Hi Rinie,

The code polls the CAN transceiver, INT is not used.

Best regards,


Re: CAN bus connections

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:28 am
by Walbeek
Hi there,

Thanks to both of you.
I have done some tests with an extra wire on the INT input but I can't see anything changing.
I still have some other problems with the PCB, the CAN controller doesn't seem to run.
Wiring the SPI of the controller to a external CAN controller works well.
Wiring the RX and TX outputs back to the CAN driver on my PCB also works.
Looks like the CAN controller isn't running, so I have to do some more testing.
All SPI and RX/TX wire's are in place so probably the oscillator....
