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Macro bug?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 1:52 pm
by Chris_MIRA
Ive just up graded to the new version of FC6 and am having a problem with the attached file. It simulates okay but when compiled and flashed to the hardware (pic 1937 running on EB006 V9 with eblocks display CAN etc) the micro freezes immediately.
Ive looked for the problem, and the programme runs fine providing I disable a standard "check switch state" component-macro in the "Manual Set" macro! (This component macro is shown / commented in the attached file). Ive tried re-naming, deleting and re entering but to no avail. The programme compiles and runs okay on the previous version on FC6 being run under another licence on a colleagues machine.
How do I either fix the problem OR go back to the previous FC 6 version?


Re: Macro bug?

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:53 pm
by LeighM
Looks like it could be getting stuck in the debounce, could you try setting debounce for this switch to 0?

ps. I realise this does not explain the change from previous release, but it might give more insight into what could be wrong, as I cannot yet see a reason for the problem.

Re: Macro bug?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 7:31 am
by Chris_MIRA
Ill try the de-bounce on that programme, but the problem seems to affect most of the programmes I try to compile, including previously stable "legacy" programmes. The problem does not seem to be specific to the type of component macro. For instance, attached is another programme where the problem seems to be related to a calculation box in the main routine (shown as disabled in the programme).


Re: Macro bug?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 10:03 am
by LeighM
Hi Chris,
I've just tried your (Vlvtst) program on hardware here, compiled on my version, and all is well.
So I am wondering if some corruption has occurred on your installation during the upgrade?
Maybe you could copy your generated hex to your colleagues machine and program the EB006 from that?
Just to separate the compilation from the programming.
It's certainly not a logical bug is it.

Re: Macro bug?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:25 am
by Chris_MIRA
Hi Leigh,
Ive re-installed FC6 and the problem has gone away, all is now fine :-)
Thanks for your help!


Re: Macro bug?

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 11:56 am
by LeighM
That is good to hear!