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Starter kits for UAV projects

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 8:05 pm
by ApacheOmega
I'm about to make a purchase for either the AVR or PIC package for flowcode 6 but I'm not sure what choice to make. I want the the right software and hardware combination for my ariel projects and dont' want to make a bad choice my first time around so could anybody out there advise me on the right all around package I need to purchase today???

Thank You

Re: Starter kits for UAV projects

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:36 pm
by JohnCrow
PIC and AVR both have their strengths and weaknesses, it is difficult to recommend a particular path
There are a lot more examples on the forums of PIC applications than AVR.(This is possibly also the case on samples on the internet too.
Maybe its just me, but I find Microchip (PIC) datasheets are easier to follow than AVR :)

PIC is probably the best choice for a beginner to get experience with.

Don't forget, if you buy one version of FC, you can just add another chip pack at a later date.

I do know which ever package you go for you wont be disappointed, they are all of the same high quality.
(I've got both PIC and AVR and I use mostly PIC)

Hope this helps

Re: Starter kits for UAV projects

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2014 10:56 pm
by ApacheOmega
Thanks for the quick reply
so I don't necessarily need the pro pack?
and can I install that latter?
And lastly, I can Find some pic UAV ideas and tuts in Forum?

Thank You

Re: Starter kits for UAV projects

Posted: Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:18 am
by medelec35
ApacheOmega wrote:so I don't necessarily need the pro pack?
Here's roughly how it works.
You will need a professional pack to unlock all the advanced components like PWM, comms (RS232, I2C, SPI etc).
Then you will need a chip pack for the type of microcontroller (AVR, PIC etc).
You can purchase say PIC chip pack for £79 at the same time as you purchase a pro pack, then later add AVR to your collection for a further £79

You can just purchase the chip pack without purchasing professional pack but you will then only have the home version, so there will be components like I mentioned above that you not be able to use.

This is a saving over the way V5 and below was license.
If you want both PIC & AVR with all the component unlocked you would have had to bought two separate professional versions.

Not sure about UAV projects but it sounds like you will need to use timer interrupts and port detection to measure pulse width.
I created a very basic pulse width detection flowchart here
Servo component to control UAV so the professional pack will make life so much easier.


Re: Starter kits for UAV projects

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 2:15 pm
by ApacheOmega
thanks a bunch bruh!!!!!