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I need help

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:33 pm
by 407charles
I need to know how to read the eprom data. I did a program for making a 16 letter recipe and stored it at eprom. I used a string variable "namearray[16]" it writes to the eprom sequentially by using a variable "ptr" to shift the address by one to store letter by letter. So the variable is namearray[ptr] it writes to the eprom because to test it I made a string longer than 16 and it gave me the error saying string size out of bound, but I have a difficulty displaying my string when needed. In my program I'm using a button to display the string after clearing the screen (and it's already written to the eprom memory. Can you please help me?

Re: I need help

Posted: Sat Aug 16, 2014 7:14 pm
by dazz
Please post your flowchart so others can look and see what is wrong


Re: I need help

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2014 11:27 pm
by 407charles
Hello Dazz Thanks a lot for your help. here is my chart, the first part is to be able to use keypad to enter letters upper and lower case to the string. Each letter is entered to the string by using the "#" key which writes the value to eprom memory address "ptr", also shift the cursor to the right one location to enter the next letter. The key "*" is used to clear the display and reset "press" to zero to display the first letter of the group of letters assign to the next key pressed. The only push button is to display the eprom memory address value stored previously. This is just a block for a bigger program for an oven control, this part should be able to name the recipe, the temperature value, also the baking time and save it in to an eprom memory to used it later to run the recipe and bake the desire product. But numbers are easy to store and retrieve from eprom, I already tried. I will use and specific address location to store this variables and I was successfully able to retrieve value by using eprom read macro as follows: temp=17 is used as an address variable to write it to eprom and then when it reads from eprom I used
"temp = Temp" and I had the desire value stored in variable Temp to uase it as needed. I will appreciate all the help provided to store and retrieve a "String" from eprom to be able to get this part right and blended with the rest of the code. Thanks a lot again.