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Compile to chip questions.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 1:25 pm
by 407charles
Hi, I don't have any experience as a chip programmer, I'm just starting. I'm having an issue with uploading data to the chip. When I download a program to the chip it works perfect in my hardware but after power down the board and reconnecting it later, I loose the chip data or it just does not work I don't know. For example, If I have a program that suppose to flash an LED when certain switch is pressed, it works ok in my hardware (EB006 kit) but if I disconnect the programing board and to use it later, it won't work when I press the button. I notice that in Built>Project-options>configure there are several options such as code protect, It needs to be activated? Do I missing something? when I loaded the program, I just click in the Icon "compile to chip" but I never configure anything. Another important question coming to my mind is: If I have a code that works correctly in certain project, can I select a different chip and still use it? In other words let say that I did a project using a PIC 16C84 but later I decide to use a 16F88 because of it's availability and price. It is possible to change the chip in my project to a different one? I will appreciate all the help provided in this issues. thanks a lot. Sincerely.... Charlie.

Re: Compile to chip questions.

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 2:57 pm
by medelec35
Hi 407charles,
Welcome to the Matrix user forums.
Perhaps the best way forward would be to post your flowchart so we may be able to see whats happening.
I Don't see why it would work when first programmed, but then stop working.
It may just be down to configuration settings in the end?


Re: Compile to chip questions.

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2014 7:32 pm
by 407charles
Hello good afternoon. Thanks a lot for your quick response to my questions. I did not answer right away because I did not believe I did something wrong in my flow chart. I checked the IC program in a circuit that I built myself and it works successfully, the problem is in my e-blocks settings or in the driver's software. the program does not run in my development board, the display does not light up. I'm going to try in a new computer I'm buying this Friday to double check if my computer is the issue. The drivers were installed in my computer and the board as well without problem, but for some reason it does not work even with the matrix course sample. I tried my board in a different computer with the free trial version and it works perfect. I was able to run the examples but not my own program. Do I have to set up something on my board to run the program on it? (not in the computer). I believe I'm doing something wrong. Please let me know if the program supposed to run on the board after been programmed and what do I need to do, for example if the computer should be on and connected to the board or if a have to set something on it. The board is able to program the IC but not able to run the program in the board itself. Please let my know, the instruction booklet does not mention if is possible to run the program in the board itself or not. Also I need some help in how to use the EPROM memory. I remember it was an example in the matrix flow code curse but it does not mention how to read an use data in a certain program. All your help is appreciated, if you have an example it will be even better. Thanks a lot for your help.