battery charge/discharger controller

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battery charge/discharger controller

Post by kr3am3r »

Hello i have a school project in which i have to design and build a small savonius vawt and connect it to a hydrogen fuel cell. Because of this i need to program a microprocessor to charge and discharge the fuel cell . The vawt and fuel cell will be connected to a LED for feedback. I have done some of the flowcode tutorials on the website but i still have no clue how to write the program.

If you have some hits or tips i would greatly appreciate.

It will be a small project, the vawt won't produce more than 3 volts and the fuel cell output is 1.35 volts.

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Re: battery charge/discharger controller

Post by medelec35 »

Hi kr3am3r,
Welcome to the forums.

If your doing a school project then since you're not going to pay someone to do you project for you, Freelance Embedded Engineers section is not place to ask for help.
What version of Flowcode have you got (Help, About Flowcode) and can you state is it free, student or professional version?

I can then move the post to a more suitable location, then we can help you further.

There will be learning for you do do, but in my opinion Flowcode is by far easiest to learn and quickest way of raid prototyping when compared to other development products.
So it's well worth the effort sticking with it.


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Re: battery charge/discharger controller

Post by kr3am3r »

Its flowcode 5 student version.

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Re: battery charge/discharger controller

Post by medelec35 »

Hi kr3am3r,
since you're using Flowocde V5 non paid version, the final thing that's required is registration for the Flowcode V5 section so you will be able to post there.
To do that can you please follow this_link
Once that is done we can help you create your first working program on hardware.

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Re: battery charge/discharger controller

Post by kr3am3r »

I just saw i mispelled, it is flowcode V6 actually, sorry. I couldn't find the license key, i activated the program from help>activate but i didn't see any license keys.

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Re: battery charge/discharger controller

Post by medelec35 »

kr3am3r wrote:I just saw i mispelled, it is flowcode V6 actually, sorry
No problem. just moved the topic to V6 section
kr3am3r wrote: I couldn't find the license key, i activated the program from help>activate but i didn't see any license keys.
I'm guessing you have successfully activated using your account name that was created on the main website, and can't see the keys for the link I have posted?
If that's the case there is no need since you're only required to do that for paid version of V5.
It's not currently necessary for V6.

As for your program, just make a note of what hardware will be required.
E.g if measuring a voltage then you will require a potentiometer from the input category.
You require a LCD then Click search and enter LCD, then select Generic.
Then just learn how to use the required components.
Go to Flowcode6 Learning Centre
Create your own flowchart, then if you get stuck, post flowchart for further help.


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