avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

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avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

Post by pyrosigma »


I'm trying flowcode v6 with a stupid blinking led programm on a board with atmega328, after compilated, linking...with success i've got this problem:

Launching the programmer...
C:\Program Files (x86)\Flowcode 6\compilers\avr\batchfiles\avrc.bat AVRDUDE m328 atmega328 "C:\Users\efluck\Desktop\FLOWCO~1\Flowcode1.hex" "Flowcode1.hex" 0 255 255 255

C:\Users\efluck\Desktop\FLOWCO~1>"C:\PROGRA~2\FLOWCO~1\COMPIL~1\avr\BATCHF~1\..\bin\avrdude.exe" -p m328 -P usb -c avrispmkii -U flash:w:"Flowcode1.hex"
avrdude.exe: AVR Part "m328" not found.

Is it because i've got a free evaluation version ?
What can i do please?

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Re: avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

Post by JonnyW »

Hi. No, the evaluation version is fully features.

Have you read this post? Perhaps it will help:
http://www.matrixmultimedia.com/mmforum ... 54&t=13084


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Re: avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

Post by pyrosigma »

No, sorry, it doesn't help me, the problem is not the same, my avrisp mkii is recognized and correctly connected (alls leds are green). And the drivers are: "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\windrvr6.sys" installed with avr studio, because i didn't find driver on flowcode for avrisp mk2...
avrdude.exe doesn't find m328 part (avrdude.exe: AVR Part "m328" not found.), it means that the config file of the open source avrdude.exe doesn't include the config for atmega 328, i don't find the file in the root directory of flowcode... my programmer config are following:



AVRDUDE $(chipalt) $(chip:l) "$(outdir)$(target).hex" "$(target).hex" 0 $(cfg0) $(cfg1) $(cfg2) $(cfg3)


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Re: avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

Post by Benj »


First of all make sure you are running the latest release 6.0.3. If this doesn't solve the issue then see below.

The new driver that is automatically installed as part of the current AVR studio causes issues when working with Flowcode. I am looking into the issue but for now you will have to transfer the .hex file produced by Flowcode using AVR Studio itself.

Flowcode comes with it's own driver for the AVRISP so if you havn't already installed AVR studio then don't as it will break the Flowcode AVRISP functionality.

If you had an older version of AVR studio then they offered a tool called the STK500 which was a workaround for this very problem. Seems they have now dropped the STK500 tool so not sure where to go from here at the moment.

We are thinking about using our own PPP type programming on the future AVR E-block programmer board as the AVRISP mkII seems to be riddled with compatibility issues. Any thoughts on this?

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Re: avrdude with avrispmkii on V6 cannot programm

Post by pyrosigma »

Ok. i noticed. Thanks a lot!

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