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Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:08 am
by Jan Lichtenbelt
If your are upgrading the professional version, is in the professional one the PIC version included?

Kind regards

Jan Lichtenbelt

Re: Upgrading

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:53 pm
by DavidA
Hello Jan,

The Pro pack will unlock all the components, but you will need to have a Chip Pack to compile to a chip.

Re: Upgrading

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:23 pm
by jgu1
Hi David!

Do I understand This correct.

Does that mean ver.6 pro is for all kind of Pic, Atmel and Arm. :?:
And do I need a new programmer and are NOT able to use my
Old eb006 for ver. 6. I know that eb006 is only for Pic :?:



Re: Upgrading

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 3:56 pm
by JonnyW
Hi Jorgen.

To use the advanced components you need the pro pack. To use a compiler you need a chip pack. You can have any combination but there is not alot of point in having the pro-pack components and no compiler! The trial version has everything enabled.
(50.95 KiB) Downloaded 3955 times
Version 6 pro is for whatever chips you are licensed to use it on, the pro version just allows a) commercial use and b) advanced components.

You can use any programmer you used with v5 for v6, but you will need a chip-pack license to compile to a PIC chip regardless of the compiler/programmer you use.

I hope this clears things up a bit.


Re: Upgrading

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 5:26 pm
by jgu1
Ok yes it lightens a little. So in my case (Ver.5 Pro. For Pic) I will automatically get ver.6 to Pic when MM gets my license no.

Provisional thank you for your patience Jonny. :D


Re: Upgrading

Posted: Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:32 pm
by tulipman
Hi Jonny!!

I'm a user since v4, and I have upgraded in the past to v5 Professional.
With v4 and also v5 I was able to compile programs to chip.
I could just compile to the chip without having to order any 'Packs

This evening I upgraded to v6, and during the purchase on the site, I was already confused (what is this Pack thingie???)
Initally I ticked the PIC pack, but then I thought: why the hell do I need it.

Well, after reading in the forum, I now understand that I cannot compile anything withhout having the PIC pack.

Problem is: how do I order the pack separately??

Would be great to get your advice.

Robbert, PA3BKL
JonnyW wrote:Hi Jorgen.

To use the advanced components you need the pro pack. To use a compiler you need a chip pack. You can have any combination but there is not alot of point in having the pro-pack components and no compiler! The trial version has everything enabled.
Version 6 pro is for whatever chips you are licensed to use it on, the pro version just allows a) commercial use and b) advanced components.

You can use any programmer you used with v5 for v6, but you will need a chip-pack license to compile to a PIC chip regardless of the compiler/programmer you use.

I hope this clears things up a bit.


Re: Upgrading

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 10:59 am
by jbs4wd
I have just upgraded from V4 to V6 Pro with PIC and AVR pack. But I cannot compile. Is there anything I need to do, I have activated it, but yet still says Its for 30 days.. why? Any info???

Re: Upgrading

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 12:44 pm
by JonnyW
I could just compile to the chip without having to order any 'Packs
In the past Flowcode was sold as 4 separate applications - one for PIC, PIC16, AVR, ARM. Now Flowcode is a single executable and you can switch between platforms much easier. To be able to compile to a specific chip you need a license. In effect the chip pack in v6 is the equivalent of an entire executable in v5.
I have just upgraded from V4 to V6 Pro with PIC and AVR pack. But I cannot compile. Is there anything I need to do, I have activated it, but yet still says Its for 30 days.. why? Any info???
Hi. There may still be some tweaks needed for the licensing system. If you PM DavidA he should be able to look into this tomorrow, but he is not in today.


Re: Upgrading

Posted: Wed Sep 11, 2013 1:02 pm
by dazz

try reacivating V6 ,if it doesnt work pm davida


Re: Upgrading

Posted: Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:32 pm
by jbs4wd
Thanks, I have been talking to David, He is going to ask for more help. I noticed even in my control panel, when logged in my licence is activated to 30-day trial not my user name.
