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Custom Objects

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 5:22 am
by Steve D
Hi, just wondering if there is a location to find custom objects? In particular I'm looking for a rotary switch, in my case I need a 6way (but would assume if one exists that it will be select-able). I realize I can simulate it using a switch array, but it really isn't the best way as I need to turn one switch off and then another on.

Thanks, Steve

Re: Custom Objects

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2013 9:10 am
by Benj
Hi Steve,

No rotary switch component at the moment but it would be an easy one to create. You could have a go by following the component creator video below or we can put it on the list for future built in components. I think a rotary switch might make a good addition so I might have a quick go if I get some time this morning. ... 58&t=12735

Re: Custom Objects

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:53 pm
by gtc
Any progress with this? I would also like to use a rotary switch component.